Condensed Matter Theory : [456] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 456
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Jan-2021Casimir-induced instabilities at metallic surfaces and interfacesDing, K; Oue, D; Chan, CT; Pendry, JB;
1-Sep-2014Cavity-free plasmonic nanolasing enabled by dispersionless stopped lightPickering, T; Hamm, JM; Page, AF; Wuestner, S; Hess, O
31-Jan-2022Cerenkov radiation in vacuum from a superluminal gratingOue, D; Ding, K; Pendry, J;
1-Nov-2017Charge density wave instabilities of type-II Weyl semimetals in a strong magnetic fieldTrescher, M; Bergholtz, EJ; Udagawa, M; Knolle, J
15-Feb-1999Charge depletion of n(+)-In0.53Ga0.47As potential wells by background acceptor dopingSkuras, E; Long, AR; Vogele, B; Holland, MC; Stanley, CR, et al
9-Nov-2015Chiral metamaterials: enhancement and control of optical activity and circular dichroismOh, SS; Hess, O;
20-Nov-2014Classical Mobility of Highly Mobile Crystal DefectsSwinburne, TD; Dudarev, SL; Sutton, AP
29-Nov-2018Coherent phonon lasing in a thermal quantum nanomachineKarwat, P; Reiter, D; Kuhn, T; Hess, O; , et al
15-Jul-1996Coherent tunnelling through two quantum dots with Coulomb interactionPals, P; MacKinnon, A
29-Dec-2010Collection and Concentration of Light by Touching Spheres: A Transformation Optics ApproachFernandez-Dominguez, AI; Maier, SA; Pendry, JB
1-Jun-2007Collective electromagnetic emission from molecular layers on metal nanostructures mediated by surface plasmonsGiannini, V; Sánchez-Gil, J; García-Ramos, J; Méndez, E
Jul-2024Collimated beam formation in 3D acoustic sonic crystalsVanel, AL; Dubois, M; Tronche, C; Fu, S; Wang, Y-T, et al
18-Aug-2017Combining ε-Near-Zero Behavior and Stopped Light Energy Bands for Ultra-Low Reflection and Reduced Dispersion of Slow Light.Bello, F; Page, AF; Pusch, A; Hamm, JM; Donegan, JF, et al
18-Sep-2012Comment on "Feynman-Kac path-integral calculation of the ground-state energies of atoms"Foulkes, WM
5-Jul-2017Comment on ``Development of an interatomic potential for the simulation of defects, plasticity, and phase transformations in titanium'' [J. Chem. Phys. 145, 154102 (2016)]Ready, A; Haynes, PD; Sutton, AP;
1-Apr-2022Comment on “Self-diffusion in high-purity α-Al2O3: Comparison of Ti-doped, Mg-doped and undoped single crystals”, P. Fielitz, S. Ganschow, K. Klemens, and G. Borchardt, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 41, (2021), 663-668."Heuer, AH; Finnis, MW; Foulkes, WMC; Chen, AP
17-Nov-2017Compacted dimensions and singular plasmonic surfacesPendry, JB; Huidobro, PA; Luo, Y; Galiffi, E; , et al
24-Jan-2018Competing orders in the Hofstadter t-J modelTu, WL; Schindler, F; Neupert, T; Poilblanc, D
25-Apr-2014Completely Stopped and Dispersionless Light in Plasmonic WaveguidesTsakmakidis, KL; Pickering, TW; Hamm, JM; Page, AF; Hess, O
6-Jul-2018Computational design of bimetallic core-shell nanoparticles for hot-carrier photocatalysisRanno, L; Dal Forno, S; Lischner, JC;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 456