Condensed Matter Theory : [456] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 81 to 100 of 456
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Feb-2019Computing one-dimensional metasurfacesPendry, JB; Huidobro, PA; Ding, K;
15-Oct-1994Conductance and conductance fluctuations of narrow disordered quantum wires.Nikolic, K; MacKinnon, A
2-Jun-2021Confinement and entanglement dynamics on a digital quantum computerVovrosh, J; Knolle, J;
4-May-2020Conservation laws by virtue of scale symmetries in neural systemsFagerholm, ED; Foulkes, W; Gallero-Salas, Y; Helmchen, F; Friston, KJ, et al
20-Feb-2017Control of terahertz nonlinear transmission with electrically gated graphene metadevicesChoi, HJ; Baek, IH; Kang, BJ; Kim, H-D; Oh, SS, et al
21-Dec-2016Cooperative Jahn-Teller phase transition of icosahedral molecular unitsNasrollahi, SH; Vvedensky, DD
14-Sep-2021Correction for Huidobro et al., Fresnel drag in space–time-modulated metamaterialsHuidobro et al.;
17-Jul-2018Correlations and hyperuniformity in the avalanche size of the Oslo ModelGarcia Millan, R; Pruessner, G; Pickering, L; Christensen, K
8-Oct-2018Coulomb effects on the photoexcited quantum dynamics of electrons in a plasmonic nanosphereCrai, A; Pusch, A; Reiter, D; Roman Castellanos, L; Kuhn, T, et al
18-Feb-2004Coulomb finite-size effects in quasi-two-dimensional systemsWood, B; Foulkes, WMC; Towler, MD; Drummond, ND
26-Jun-2018Coupling between acoustic and soft transverse optical phonons leads to negative thermal expansion of GeTe near the ferroelectric phase transitionDangić, Đ; Murray, ED; Murphy, AR; Fahy, S; Savić, I
8-Dec-2021Crossing the light linePendry, J; Huidobro, P; Silveirinha, M; Galiffi, E
13-Feb-2019David Godfrey Pettifor. 9 March 1945—16 October 2017Sutton, A; Drautz, R; Vitek, V
17-Feb-2017Decoupling absorption and emission processes in super-resolution localisation of emitters in a plasmonic hotspotMack; Cortes; Giannini; Torok; Roschuk, et al
18-Jun-2014Density-matrix quantum Monte Carlo methodBlunt, NS; Rogers, TW; Spencer, JS; Foulkes, WMC; , et al
11-Feb-2021Dielectric engineering of hot carrier generation by quantized plasmons in embedded silver nanoparticlesRoman Castellanos, L; Hess, O; Lischner, J
30-Jun-2022Diffusion of oxygen in Mg-doped α-Al2O3: the corundum conundrum explainedChen, AP; Foulkes, W; Heuer, AH; Finnis, M;
Mar-2019Digging the optimum pit: antlions, spirals and spontaneous stratificationFranks, N; Worley, A; Falkenberg McGillivray, M; Sendova-Franks, A; Christensen, K
14-Dec-2020Dirac equation perspective on higher-order topological insulatorsSchindler, F
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 81 to 100 of 456