Faculty of Natural Sciences - Research Data : [331] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 161 to 180 of 331
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Oct-2019Impacts of habitat disturbance on population health of Bornean frogsNoble, C
5-Aug-2020Impacts of tropical rainforest disturbance on mammalian parasitism ratesLadds, Z; Chapman, P; Bernard, H; Ewers, R; Knowles, S
7-Apr-2021ImperialCollegeLondon/covid19local: Website Release for Wednesday 7th Apr 2021, new doi for the weekGandy, A; Mishra, S
21-Jan-2021ImperialCollegeLondon/US-covid19-agespecific-mortality-data: Version 1Monod, M; Chen, Y; Zhu, H; Brizzi, A; Blenkinsop, A, et al
17-Jun-2020In-situ study of creep in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solderGu, T; Tong, V; Gourlay, C; Britton, B
13-Nov-2018Inapp: Reconstruction of Inapplicable Discrete Characters on Phylogenetic TreesBrazeau, M; Guillerme, T; Smith, MR;
10-Jan-2019Increased importance of terrestrial vertebrate seed dispersal in tropical logged forestsTelford, E; Qie, L; Nilus, R; Ewers, R;
13-Oct-2015Information on Les Miserables network used in Evans and Lambiotte 2010.Evans, T
12-Nov-2019Input data and Supplementary Results for "Community-level signatures of ecological succession in natural bacterial communities"Pascual-GarcĂ­a, A; Bell, T;
11-Dec-2014Interoperability for Data Repositories. Machine Methods for Retrieving Data for Display or Mining Utilising Persistent (data-DOI) IdentifiersRzepa, HS; Mason, N; Mclean, A; Harvey, M
8-Oct-2019Investigating the effects of retaining riparian forest buffer zones of differing width on stream channel geomorphologyRoxby, G; Nainar, A; Heon, S; Bidin, K; Hadi, A, et al
3-Jul-2020Investigating the impact of human settlements upon the availability of larval habitats and Aedes albopictus populationVollans, M; Cator, L; Ewers, RM; Chung, A
20-Jul-2020Investigating the relationship between tree stem respiration and growth rateMills, M; Lewton, J; Jansen, O; Howlett, J; Leung, TKC, et al
28-Jun-2020JuliaIntervals/IntervalArithmetic.jl: v0.17.5Sanders, DP; Benet, L; Agarwal, K; Gupta, E; Richard, B, et al
26-Jul-2019JuliaMath/RandomMatrices.jl: v0.5.0Chen, J; Olver, S; Nash, J; Noack, A; Rackauckas, C, et al
8-Nov-2018JuliaMatrices/LowRankApprox.jl: Fix compile timeOlver, S; Ho, K; Kelman, T; Slevinksy, RM
2-Apr-2019JuliaMatrices/LowRankApprox.jl: Fix rectangular psvdOlver, S; Ho, K; Kelman, T; Slevinsky, M
25-Apr-2019JuliaMatrices/LowRankApprox.jl: v0.2.3Olver, S; Ho, K; Kelman, T; Slevinsky, M
21-Nov-2019JuliaMatrices/LowRankApprox.jl: v0.4.0Ho, K; Olver, S; Kelman, T; Slevinsky, M; Jarlebring, E
28-Nov-2020JuliaPy/pyjulia: PyJulia v0.5.6Arakaki, T; Bolewski, J; Deits, R; Fischer, K; Johnson, SG, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 161 to 180 of 331