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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Dec-2015Acoustic energy transmission in cast iron pipelinesKiziroglou, ME; Boyle, D; Wright, SW; Yeatman, EM; , et al
23-Jan-2017Acoustic power delivery to pipeline monitoring wireless sensorsKiziroglou, M; Boyle, D; Wright, S; Yeatman, E;
18-Mar-2015Appearance-based indoor localization: a comparison of patch descriptor performanceRivera-Rubio, J; Alexiou, I; Bharath, AA;
1-May-2019Assessing availability and greenhouse gas emissions of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock supply - case study for a catchment in EnglandNi, Y; Mwabonje, ON; Richter, GM; Qi, A; Yeung, K, et al
31-Mar-2017Blue Green Solutions. A Systems Approach to Sustainable and Cost-Effective Urban DevelopmentBozovic, R; Maksimovic, C; Mijic, A; Smith, KM; Suter, I, et al
30-Dec-2015C-RAM: breaking mobile device memory barriers using the cloudPamboris, A; Pietzuch, P;
30-Mar-2016Chemoselective polymerizations from mixtures of epoxide, lactone, anhydride, and carbon dioxideRomain, C; Zhu, Y; Dingwall, P; Paul, S; Rzepa, H, et al
18-May-2015Demo: NOMAD: an edge cloud platform for hyper-responsive mobile appsPamboris, A; Báguena, M; Wolf, AL; Manzoni, P; Pietzuch, P, et al
15-Mar-2022Diagnosis of sleep apnoea using a mandibular monitor and machine learning analysis: one-night agreement compared to in-home polysomnographyKelly, JL; Ben Messaoud, R; Joyeux-Faure, M; Terrail, R; Tamisier, R, et al
1-Jan-2015Efficient partial-pairs SimRank search on large graphsYu, W; McCann, J; , et al
25-Oct-2016Energy provision and storage for pervasive computingBoyle, D; Kiziroglou, ME; Mitcheson, P; Yeatman, E; , et al
8-Nov-2016Future climate impacts on maize farming and food security in MalawiStevens, T; Madani, K;
25-Sep-2018Holistic assessment of carbon capture and utilization value chainsPieri, T; Nikitas, A; Angelis-Dimakis, A;
26-Jul-2016Horizon scanning the European bio-based economy: a novel approach to the identification of barriers and key policy interventions from stakeholders in multiple sectors and regionsHodgson, E; Ruiz-Molina, M-E; Marazza, D; Pogrebnyakova, E; Burns, C, et al
1-Dec-2017Method to Identify Opportunities for CCU at Regional Level - Matching Sources and ReceiversPatricio, J; Angelis-Dimakis, A; Castillo Castillo, A; Kalmykova, Y; Rosado, L, et al
28-Dec-2020Novel integrated agricultural land management approach provides sustainable biomass feedstocks for bioplastics and supports the UK’s “net-zero” targetNi, Y; Richter, GM; Mwabonje, ON; Qi, A; Patel, MK, et al
27-Jun-2017On-line Appendix to "Satellite Data and Machine Learning for Weather Risk Management and Food Security"Biffis, E; Chavez, E;
26-Oct-2015Optimal processing node discovery algorithm for distributed computing in IoTKolcun, R; Boyle, D; McCann, JA; , et al
1-Mar-2022Parametric insurance and technology adoption in developing countriesBiffis, E; Chavez, E; Louaas, A; Picard, P;
31-Aug-2017Policy analysis and recommendations for EU CO 2 utilisation policiesCastillo Castillo, A; Angelis-Dimakis, A;