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C-RAM: breaking mobile device memory barriers using the cloud

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Title: C-RAM: breaking mobile device memory barriers using the cloud
Authors: Pamboris, A
Pietzuch, P
Item Type: Journal Article
Abstract: —Mobile applications are constrained by the available memory of mobile devices. We present C-RAM, a system that uses cloud-based memory to extend the memory of mobile devices. It splits application state and its associated computation between a mobile device and a cloud node to allow applications to consume more memory, while minimising the performance impact. C-RAM thus enables developers to realise new applications or port legacy desktop applications with a large memory footprint to mobile platforms without explicitly designing them to account for memory limitations. To handle network failures with partitioned application state, C-RAM uses a new snapshot-based fault tolerance mechanism in which changes to remote memory objects are periodically backed up to the device. After failure, or when network usage exceeds a given limit, the device rolls back execution to continue from the last snapshot. C-RAM supports local execution with an application state that exceeds the available device memory through a user-level virtual memory: objects are loaded on-demand from snapshots in flash memory. Our C-RAM prototype supports Objective-C applications on the unmodified iOS platform. With C-RAM, applications can consume 10× more memory than the device capacity, with a negligible impact on application performance. In some cases, C-RAM even achieves a significant speed-up in execution time (up to 9.7×).
Issue Date: 30-Dec-2015
Date of Acceptance: 9-Dec-2015
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/28354
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMC.2015.2513040
ISSN: 1558-0660
Publisher: IEEE
Start Page: 2692
End Page: 2705
Journal / Book Title: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Volume: 15
Issue: 11
Copyright Statement: © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
Sponsor/Funder: Orange Innovation UK Ltd
European Institute of Innovation and Technology - EIT
Funder's Grant Number: N/A
Keywords: Networking & Telecommunications
0805 Distributed Computing
1005 Communications Technologies
0906 Electrical And Electronic Engineering
Publication Status: Accepted
Appears in Collections:Computing
Faculty of Engineering