Experimental Solid State : [935] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 81 to 100 of 935
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Jan-2020Assessment of dynamic structural instabilities across 24 cubic inorganic halide perovskitesYang, RX; Skelton, JM; Da Silva, EL; Frost, JM; Walsh, A
15-Jan-2016Asymptotics of surface-plasmon redshift saturation at subnanometric separationsSchnitzer, O; Giannini, V; Craster, RV; Maier, SA; , et al
4-Jan-2019Autocatalytic metallization of fabrics using Si ink, for biosensors, batteries and energy harvestingGrell, M; Dincer, C; Le, T; Lauri, A; Nunez Bajo, E, et al
1-Oct-2021Barocaloric properties of quaternary Mn3(Zn,In)N for room temperature refrigeration applicationsBoldrin, D; Cohen, L; Mendive-Tapia, E; Zemen, J; Staunton, JB, et al
1-Jan-2021Beam profiling of a commercial lens-assisted terahertz time domain spectrometerFreer, S; Gorodetsky, A; Navarro-Cia, M
25-Nov-2016Behaviour of the Young's modulus at the magnetocaloric transition in La(Fe,Co,Si)(13)Kaeswurm, B; Barcza, A; Voegler, M; Geiger, PT; Katter, M, et al
21-Jan-2019Benzoselenadiazole and benzotriazole directed electrophilic C-H borylation of conjugated donor-acceptor materialsDash, BP; Hamilton, I; Tate, DJ; Crossley, D; Kim, J-S, et al
13-Sep-2011Benzotrithiophene Co-polymers with High Charge Carrier Mobilities in Field-Effect TransistorsSchroeder, BC; Nielsen, CB; Kim, YJ; Smith, J; Huang, Z, et al
13-May-2014Benzotrithiophene Copolymers: Influence of Molecular Packing and Energy Levels on Charge Carrier MobilitySchroeder, BC; Rossbauer, S; Kline, RJ; Biniek, L; Watkins, SE, et al
22-Mar-2021Bespoke mirror fabrication for quantum simulation with light in open-access microcavitiesNyman, R; Smith, J; Trichet, A; Ash, B; Walker, B, et al
28-Apr-2016Bianisotropy and magnetism in plasmonic gratingsMaier; Pendry; Kraft; Braun; Luo, Y, et al
Aug-2021Biocompatible polymer and protein microspheres with inverse photonic glass structure for random micro‐biolasersTa, VD; Caixeiro, S; Saxena, D; Sapienza, R
24-Jan-2020Biolasing from individual cells in a low-Q resonator enables spectral fingerprintingSeptiadi, D; Barna, V; Saxena, D; Sapienza, R; Genovese, D, et al
30-Apr-2019Bi₂Fe₄O₉ thin films as novel visible-light-active photoanodes for solar water splittingWang, Y; Daboczi, M; Mesa, CA; Ratnasingham, SR; Kim, JS, et al
2023Boosting electron transport in non-fullerene acceptors using non-chlorinated solventsNugraha, MI; Ardhi, REA; Naphade, D; Zhang, W; Yuan, Y, et al
27-Jun-2023Bose-Einstein condensation of light in a semiconductor quantum well microcavitySchofield, RC; Fu, M; Clarke, E; Farrer, I; Trapalis, A, et al
Oct-2024Bose–Einstein condensation of light in a semiconductor quantum well microcavitySchofield, RC; Fu, M; Clarke, E; Farrer, I; Trapalis, A, et al
13-Oct-2015Bottom-Gate Complementary Inverters on Plastic with Gravure-Printed Dielectric and SemiconductorsCampbell, AJ; Vaklev, NL; Yang, Y; Muir, BVO; Steinke, JHG
17-Jan-2017Bridging the gap between dielectric nanophotonics and the visible regime with effectively lossless gallium phosphide antennasCambiasso, J; Grinblat, G; Li, Y; Rakovich, A; Cortes, E, et al
8-Jun-2020Bridging the hydrodynamic Drude model and local transformation optics theoryAlves, RA; Guerreiro, A; Navarro-Cia, M
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 81 to 100 of 935