Experimental Solid State : [935] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 121 to 140 of 935
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Jul-2013Circularly polarized light detection by a chiral organic semiconductor transistorYang, Y; da Costa, RC; Fuchter, MJ; Campbell, AJ
10-Aug-2016Circularly polarized phosphorescent electroluminescence with a high dissymmetry factor from PHOLEDs based on a platinaheliceneBrandt, JR; Wang, X; Yang, Y; Campbell, A; Fuchter, MJ, et al
8-Feb-2023CLOVER: A modelling framework for sustainable community-scale energy systemsSandwell, P; Winchester, B; Beath, H; Nelson, J
5-Jun-2009Coexistence of Universal and Topological Anomalous Hall Effects in Metal CrO2 Thin Films in the Dirty LimitBranford, WR; Yates, KA; Barkhoudarov, E; Moore, JD; Morrison, K, et al
1-Feb-2019Coherent backscattering of light by an anisotropic biological network.Jacucci, G; Onelli, OD; De Luca, A; Bertolotti, J; Sapienza, R, et al
1-Jul-2021Coherent interaction of atoms with a beam of light confined in a light cageDavidson-Marquis, F; Gargiulo, J; Gomez-Lopez, E; Jang, B; Kroh, T, et al
31-May-2021Coherent interaction of atoms with a beam of light confined in a light cageDavidson-Marquis, F; Gargiulo, J; Gomez-Lopez, E; Jang, B; Kroh, T, et al
29-Dec-2010Collection and Concentration of Light by Touching Spheres: A Transformation Optics ApproachFernandez-Dominguez, AI; Maier, SA; Pendry, JB
13-Nov-2019Collective excitation profiles and the dynamics of photonic condensatesWalker, BT; Hesten, HJ; Nyman, RA; Mintert, F; , et al
Dec-2021Color-tunable hybrid heterojunctions as semi-transparent photovoltaic windows for photoelectrochemical water splittingEisner, F; Tam, B; Belova, V; Ow, W; Yan, J, et al
1-Oct-2019Colour in bivalve shells: Using resonance Raman spectroscopy to compare pigments at different phylogenetic levelsWade, J; Pugh, H; Nightingale, J; Kim, J; Williams, ST
14-Jun-2017Combination of scanning probe technology with photonic nanojetsDuocastella, M; Tantussi, F; Haddadpour, A; Zaccaria, RP; Jacassi, A, et al
21-Oct-2019Combined UTC-PD integrated THz source and a leaky wave antenna with complementary split ring resonators along a planar Goubau lineAkalin, T; Chahadih, A; Turer, I; Navarro-Cia, M; Beruete, M, et al
17-Jun-2013Comment on "The transition from a TEM-like mode to a plasmonic mode in parallel-plate waveguides" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 231113 (2011)]Navarro-Cia, M; Mueckstein, R; Mitrofanov, O
15-Aug-2014Compact Dual-Band Terahertz Quarter-Wave Plate MetasurfaceTorres, V; Sanchez, N; Etayo, D; Ortuno, R; Navarro-Cia, M, et al
1-Oct-2014Compact Optical Antenna Coupler for Silicon Photonics Characterized by Third-Harmonic GenerationSidiropoulos, TPH; Nielsen, MP; Roschuk, TR; Zayats, AV; Maier, SA, et al
7-Mar-2019Compact THz waveguide filter based on periodic dielectric-gold ringsRazavizadeh, SM; Sadeghzadeh, R; Ghattan, Z; Navarro-Cia, M
19-Jun-2017Comparative study of annealed and high temperature grown ITO and AZO films for solar energy applicationsAlonso Alvarez, D; Ferre Llin, L; Mellor, A; Paul, DJ; Ekins-Daukes, NJ, et al
5-Mar-2024Comparing the net-energy balance of standalone photovoltaic-coupled electrolysis and photoelectrochemical hydrogen productionTam, B; Babacan, O; Kafizas, A; Nelson, J
21-Aug-2023Comparison of harmonic generation from crystalline and amorphous gallium phosphide nanofilmsTilmann, B; Huq, T; Possmayer, T; Dranczewski, J; Nickel, B, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 121 to 140 of 935