
Adsorption kinetics data sets, compiled from the literature. As used in the research article "A revised pseudo-second order kinetic model for adsorption, sensitive to changes in adsorbate and adsorbent concentrations"

Title: Adsorption kinetics data sets, compiled from the literature. As used in the research article "A revised pseudo-second order kinetic model for adsorption, sensitive to changes in adsorbate and adsorbent concentrations"
Authors: Bullen, J
Saleesongsom, S
Item Type: Dataset
Abstract: Data sets reporting experimental adsorption kinetics, compiled from the literature. These data sets were subjected to empirical analysis in the development of our revised pseudo-second order rate equation (the rPSO model) as discussed in the ChemRxiv pre-print "A Revised Pseudo-Second Order Kinetic Model for Adsorption, Sensitive to Changes in Sorbate and Sorbent Concentrations".
Data sets reporting experimental adsorption kinetics, compiled from the literature. These data sets were subjected to empirical analysis in the development of our revised pseudo-second order rate equation (the rPSO model) as discussed in the ChemRxiv pre-print "A Revised Pseudo-Second Order Kinetic Model for Adsorption, Sensitive to Changes in Sorbate and Sorbent Concentrations".
Issue Date: 15-Jan-2021
Citation: 10.26434/chemrxiv.12008799.v1
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4443102
Keywords: adsorption
adsorption kinetics
pseudo second-order
adsorption model
adsorption modelling
environmental chemistry
reaction kinetics
Open Access location:
Appears in Collections:Earth Science and Engineering

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