Earth Science and Engineering : [2499] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 2499
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Sep-200114C and 14C-10Be terrestrial ages of meteorites from Western Australia and other desert environments.Jull, AJT; Bland, PA; Bevan, AWR; Klandrud, SE; McHargue, LR
1-Sep-20112.5-D poroelastic wave modelling in double porosity mediaLiu, X; Greenhalgh, S; Wang, Y
31-May-20193-D seismic images of an extensive igneous sill in the lower crustWrona, T; Magee, C; Fossen, H; Gawthorpe, RL; Bell, RE, et al
1-Mar-201830 years in the life of an active submarine volcano: A time-lapse bathymetry study of the Kick-‘em-Jenny Volcano, Lesser AntillesAllen, RW; Berry, C; Henstock, T; Collier, JS; Dondin, FJ-Y, et al
3-Oct-20243D anatomy of the Cretaceous–Paleogene age Nadir CraterNicholson, U; Powell, W; Gulick, S; Kenkmann, T; Bray, VJ, et al
21-Jan-20173D characterization of diffusivities and its impact on mass flux and concentration overpotential in SOFC anodesLu, X; Tjaden, B; Bertei, A; Li, T; Li, K, et al
19-Apr-20233D seismic inversion by model parameterization with Fourier coefficientsGao, F; Rao, Y; Zhu, T; Wang, Y
1-Feb-20194D in situ synchrotron X-ray tomographic microscopy and laser-based heating study of oil shale pyrolysisSaif, T; Lin, Q; Gao, Y; Al-Khulaifi, Y; Marone, F, et al
31-Jan-20184D multi-scale imaging of reactive flow in carbonates: assessing the impact of heterogeneity on dissolution regimes using streamlines at multiple length scalesMenke, HP; Reynolds, CA; Andrew, MG; Pereira Nunes, JP; Bijeljic, B, et al
30-Sep-2001An 57Fe Mössbauer study of the metamorphic sequence in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites.Menzies, ON; Bland, PA; Berry, FJ
31-Mar-2001An 57Fe Mössbauer study of the olivine solid solution series: Implications for meteorite classification and deconvolution of unequilibrated chondrite spectra.Menzies, ON; Bland, PA; Berry, FJ
15-Jun-2015A 425-million-year-old Silurian pentastomid parasitic on ostracodsSiveter, DJ; Briggs, DE; Siveter, DJ; Sutton, MD;
15-Oct-2016A balanced-force control volume finite element method for interfacial flows with surface tension using adaptive anisotropic unstructured meshesXie, Z; Pavlidis, D; Salinas, P; Percival, J; Pain, C, et al
15-Aug-2017A beryllium-10 chronology of late-glacial moraines in the upper Rakaia valley, Southern Alps, New Zealand supports Southern-Hemisphere warming during the Younger DryasKoffman, TNB; Schaefer, JM; Putnam, AE; Denton, GH; Barrell, DJA, et al
1-Aug-2012A boundary exchange influence on deglacial neodymium isotope records from the deep western Indian OceanWilson, DJ; Piotrowski, AM; Galy, A; McCave, IN
9-Dec-2014A Cenozoic Uplift History of Mexico and its Surroundings From Longitudinal River ProfilesStephenson, SN; Roberts, GG; Hoggard, MJ; Whittaker, AC
22-Jun-2014A Changing Environment: Reflections on 50 Years of HydrometallurgyMonhemius, AJ; Asselin, E
12-Oct-2014A chemical kinetics algorithm for geochemical modellingLeal, AMM; Blunt, MJ; LaForce, TC
29-Oct-2019A chronostratigraphic framework for the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, western USAMaidment, S; Muxworthy, A
1-Oct-2020A class of particulate problems suited to FDEM requiring accurate simulation of shape effects in packed granular structuresLatham, J-P; Xiang, J; Farsi, A; Joulin, C; Karantzoulis, N, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 2499