Bioengineering : [2484] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 41 to 60 of 2484
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Nov-2017A brief survey of deep reinforcement learningArulkumaran, K; Deisenroth, MP; Brundage, M; Bharath, AA
-A capacitorless, AC-coupled, monolithic input-stage optimized for multi-channel surface EMG acquisitionKoutsoftidis, S; Belgaid, Y; Yang, G; Barsakcioglu, DY; Glaros, KN, et al
1-Jun-2023A catena between psychiatric disorders and non-scarring alopecias-A systematic reviewForneris Crego, AL; Therianou, A; Hashemi, P; Higgins, CA
31-Dec-2009A Cellular Scale Study of Low Denisty Lipoprotein Concentration Polarisation in ArteriesVincent, P; Sherwin, S; Weinberg, P;
11-Oct-2019A chemically fueled non-enzymatic bistable networkMaity, I; Wagner, N; Mukherjee, R; Dev, D; Peacock-Lopez, E, et al
4-Mar-2024A coarse-grained bacterial cell model for resource-aware analysis and design of synthetic gene circuitsSechkar, K; Harrison, S; Perrino, G; Stan, G-B; Stan, G-B
23-Jun-2014A cochlear-bone wave can yield a hearing sensation as well as otoacoustic emissionTchumatchenko, T; Reichenbach, T
1-Dec-2011A Combined Manifold Learning Analysis of Shape and Appearance to Characterize Neonatal Brain DevelopmentAljabar, P; Wolz, R; Srinivasan, L; Counsell, SJ; Rutherford, MA, et al
10-Nov-2022A community integrated concept that minimises death of most vulnerable neonates at poor-resource environmentsAmadi, H; Kawuwa, MB; Abubakar, AL; Adesina, CT; Olateju, EK
23-May-2017A compact synchronous cellular model of nonlinear calcium dynamics: simulation and FPGA synthesis resultsSoleimani, H; Drakakis, EM
Sep-2024A comparison of abductor hallucis muscle activation and medial longitudinal arch angle during nine different foot exercisesKatakura, M; Rezende, MAG; Calder, JDF; Kedgley, AE
1-Jan-2021A comparison of front-end amplifiers for tetrapolar bioimpedance measurementsKassanos, P; Seichepine, F; Yang, G-Z
2-Sep-2004A comparison of rowing technique at different stroke rates: A description of sequencing, force production and kinematicsMcGregor, AH; Bull, AMJ; Byng-Maddick, R
19-Sep-2016A composite hydrogel for brain tissue phantomsForte, AE; Galvan, S; Manieri, F; Rodriguez y Baena, F; Dini, D, et al
1-Jun-2021A computational grid-to-place-cell transformation model indicates a synaptic driver of place cell impairment in early-stage Alzheimer's DiseaseNess, N; Schultz, SR;
1-Oct-2009A computational model of gene expression in an inducible synthetic circuitCeroni, F; Furini, S; Cavalcanti, S
13-Mar-2013A critical review of physiological bubble formation in hyperbaric decompressionPapadopoulou, V; Eckersley, RJ; Balestra, C; Karapantsios, TD; Tang, M
16-Sep-2016A data augmentation methodology for training machine/deep learning gait recognition algorithmsCharalambous, C; Bharath, AA
24-Oct-2016A data augmentation methodology for training machine/deep learning gait recognition algorithmsCharalambous, CC; Bharath, AA
13-Jul-2017A dedicated neonatal brain imaging systemHughes, EJ; Winchman, T; Padormo, F; Teixeira, R; Wurie, J, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 41 to 60 of 2484