Quantum Optics and Laser Science : [682] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 682
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Feb-2016Burning and graphitization of optically levitated nanodiamonds in vacuumRahman, ATMA; Frangeskou, AC; Kim, MS; Bose, S; Morley, GW, et al
17-Mar-2021Butterfly effect and spatial structure of information spreading in a chaotic cellular automatonLiu, S-W; Willsher, J; Bilitewski, T; Li, J-J; Smith, A, et al
14-Oct-2021Capacity and quantum geometry of parametrized quantum circuitsHaug, T; Bharti, K; Kim, MS;
1-Oct-2013Carrier-envelope phase stability of hollow fibers used for high-energy few-cycle pulse generationOkell, WA; Witting, T; Fabris, D; Austin, D; Bocoum, M, et al
1-Oct-1996Cavity modified quantum beatsGarraway, BM; Knight, PL
1-Sep-1997Cavity QED with cold trapped ionsBuzek, V; Drobny, G; Kim, MS; Adam, G; Knight, PL
4-Aug-2023Cavity quantum optomechanical nonlinearities and position measurement beyond the breakdown of the linearized approximationClarke, J; Neveu, P; Khosla, KE; Verhagen, E; Vanner, MR
13-Jan-2016Cavity-free scheme for nondestructive detection of a single optical photonXia, K; Johnsson, M; Knight, PL; Twamley, J; , et al
1-Mar-1999Cavity-loss-induced generation of entangled atomsPlenio, MB; Huelga, SF; Beige, A; Knight, PL
Mar-2024Centralized design and production of the ultra-high vacuum and laser-stabilization systems for the AION ultra-cold strontium laboratoriesStray, B; Ennis, O; Hedges, S; Dey, S; Langlois, M, et al
27-Dec-2021Certifying multilevel coherence in the motional state of a trapped ionCorfield, O; Lishman, J; Lee, C; Toba, JM; Porter, G, et al
19-Jan-2017Characterising molecules for fundamental physics: an accurate spectroscopic model of methyltrioxorhenium derived from new infrared and millimetre-wave measurementsAsselin, P; Berger, Y; Huet, TR; Margulès, L; Motiyenko, R, et al
23-Nov-2017Characteristics of a magneto-optical trap of moleculesWilliams, H; Truppe, S; Hambach, M; Caldwell, L; Fitch, N, et al
25-Oct-2018Characteristics of unconventional Rb magneto-optical trapsJarvis, K; Sauer, B; Tarbutt, M;
1-Jun-2013Characterization of a cryogenic beam source for atoms and moleculesBulleid, NE; Skoff, SM; Hendricks, RJ; Sauer, BE; Hinds, EA, et al
8-Jul-2019Charge dynamics of a molecular ion immersed in a Rydberg-dressed atomic lattice gasMukherjee, R
18-Jun-2021Chimera spectrum diagnostics for peptides using two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometryDriver, T; Bachhawat, N; Frasinski, L; Marangos, J; Averbukh, V, et al
11-Jan-2017Chip-based array of near-identical, pure, heralded single-photon sourcesSpring, JB; Mennea, PL; Metcalf, BJ; Humphreys, PC; Gates, JC, et al
11-Jun-2018Chirp-control of resonant high-order harmonic generation in indium ablation plumes driven by intense few-cycle laser pulsesTisch, JWG; Abdelrahman, Z; Khokhlova, M; Walke, D; Witting, T, et al
22-Apr-2020Classical and nonclassical time dilation for quantum clocksPaige, AJ; Plato, ADK; Kim, MS;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 682