Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 41 to 60 of 681
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
28-Nov-2003 | Attosecond angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy | Aseyev, SA; Ni, Y; Frasinski, LJ; Muller, HG; Vrakking, MJJ |
2023 | Attosecond electron dynamics in molecular systems | Alexander, OG; Marangos, JP; Ruberti, M; Vacher, M |
Sep-2024 | Attosecond impulsive stimulated x-ray Raman scattering in liquid water | Alexander, O; Egun, F; Rego, L; Martinez Gutierrez, A; Garratt, D, et al |
6-Jan-2017 | Attosecond physics at the nanoscale | Ciappina, MF; Pérez-Hernández, JA; Landsman, AS; Okell, W; Zherebtsov, S, et al |
17-Mar-2016 | Attosecond sampling of arbitrary optical waveforms | Wyatt,, AS; Witting, T; Schiavi,, A; Fabris, D; Matia-Hernadndo, P, et al |
27-Nov-2014 | Attosecond streaking of photoelectron emission from disordered solids | Okell, WA; Witting, T; Fabris, D; Arrell, CA; Hengster, J, et al |
7-Feb-2020 | Attosecond transient absorption spooktroscopy: a ghost imaging approach to ultrafast absorption spectroscopy | Driver, T; Li, S; Champenois, EG; Duris, J; Ratner, D, et al |
20-Aug-2010 | Auger Electron Angular Distribution of Double Core-Hole States in the Molecular Reference Frame | Cryan, JP; Glownia, JM; Andreasson, J; Belkacem, A; Berrah, N, et al |
26-Aug-2002 | Axialization of laser cooled magnesium ions in a penning trap. | Powell, HF; Segal, DM; Thompson, RC |
28-Oct-2014 | B-spline algebraic diagrammatic construction: Application to photoionization cross-sections and high-order harmonic generation | Ruberti, M; Averbukh, V; Decleva, P |
1-Nov-2023 | BASE-STEP: a transportable antiproton reservoir for fundamental interaction studies | Smorra, C; Abbass, F; Schweitzer, D; Bohman, M; Devine, JD, et al |
1-Jan-1998 | Basics of quantum computation | Vedral, V; Plenio, MB |
- | Bell test of quantum entanglement in attosecond photoionization | Ruberti, M; Mintert, F |
1-Nov-2000 | Bell's inequality test with entangled atoms | Beige, A; Munro, WJ; Knight, PL |
28-Jul-2015 | Bi-photon spectral correlation measurements from a silicon nanowire in the quantum and classical regimes | Jizan, I; Helt, LG; Xiong, C; Collins, MJ; Choi, D-Y, et al |
14-Feb-2015 | Bloch-Redfield equations for modeling light-harvesting complexes | Jeske, J; Ing, DJ; Plenio, MB; Huelga, SF; Cole, JH |
20-Feb-2018 | Blue-detuned magneto-optical trap | Jarvis, KN; Devlin, JA; Wall, TE; Sauer, BE; Tarbutt, MR, et al |
Oct-2024 | Bose–Einstein condensation of light in a semiconductor quantum well microcavity | Schofield, RC; Fu, M; Clarke, E; Farrer, I; Trapalis, A, et al |
28-Aug-2000 | Breakdown of stabilization of atoms interacting with intense, high-frequency laser pulses | Kylstra, NJ; Worthington, RA; Patel, A; Knight, PL; de Aldana, JRV, et al |
1-May-1997 | Broadcasting of entanglement via local copying | Buzek, V; Vedral, V; Plenio, MB; Knight, PL; Hillery, M |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 41 to 60 of 681