Physics : [5692] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 461 to 480 of 5692
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Sep-2018Bayesian bulge-disc decomposition of galaxy imagesArgyle, JJ; Mendez-Abreu, J; Wild, V; Mortlock, DJ
16-Jun-2020Bayesian constraints on the astrophysical neutrino source population from IceCube dataCapel, F; Mortlock, D; Finley, C;
15-Sep-2018Bayesian Evidence against Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum in tension cosmologyHeavens, AF; Di Valentino, E; Melchiorri, A; Fantaye, Y
1-Jun-2016Bayesian evidence and predictivity of the inflationary paradigmGubitosi, G; Lagos, M; Magueijo, J; Allison, R
1-Apr-2021Bayesian forward modelling of cosmic shear dataPorqueres, N; Heavens, A; Mortlock, D; Lavaux, G
1-Dec-2017Bayesian hierarchical modelling of weak lensing - the golden goalHeavens, A; Alsing, J; Jaffe, A; Hoffmann, T; Kiessling, A, et al
-Bayesian inference of dark matter voids in galaxy surveysLeclercq, FCM
30-Jun-2014Bayesian inference of the initial conditions from large-scale structure surveysLeclercq, FCM
31-May-2014Bayesian large-scale structure inference: initial conditions and the cosmic webLeclercq, FCM; Wandelt, B
1-Jan-2009Bayesian Methods in CosmologyTrotta, R; , et al
1-Jul-2015Bayesian model comparison in cosmologyMortlock, DJ
1-Jul-2019Bayesian model selection with future 21cm observations of the epoch of reionizationBinnie, T; Pritchard, JR;
15-Sep-2018Bayesian optimisation for likelihood-free cosmological inferenceLeclercq, FCM
28-Feb-2019Bayesian photometric redshifts of blended sourcesJones, DM; Heavens, AF;
23-Sep-2019Bayesian reconstruction of the Milky Way dark matter distributionKarukes, E; Benito, M; Iocco, F; Trotta, R; Geringer-Sameth, A, et al
1-Jan-2021Beam profiling of a commercial lens-assisted terahertz time domain spectrometerFreer, S; Gorodetsky, A; Navarro-Cia, M
11-Apr-2016Beam test evaluation of electromagnetic calorimeter modules made from proton-damaged PbWO4 crystalsAdams, T; Adzic, P; Ahuja, S; Anderson, D; Andrews, MB, et al
15-May-2017Behavior of eigenvalues in a region of broken PT symmetryBender, CM; Hassanpour, N; Hook, DW; Klevansky, SP; Snderhauf, C, et al
25-Nov-2016Behaviour of the Young's modulus at the magnetocaloric transition in La(Fe,Co,Si)(13)Kaeswurm, B; Barcza, A; Voegler, M; Geiger, PT; Katter, M, et al
Oct-2024Bell test of quantum entanglement in attosecond photoionizationRuberti, M; Averbukh, V; Mintert, F
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 461 to 480 of 5692