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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Dec-2020An epigenome-wide association study of metabolic syndrome and its componentsNuotio, M-L; Pervjakova, N; Joensuu, A; Karhunen, V; Hiekkalinna, T, et al
1-Apr-2020Apolipoprotein A-I concentrations and risk of coronary artery disease: A Mendelian randomization studyKarjalainen, MK; Holmes, MV; Wang, Q; Anufrieva, O; Kahonen, M, et al
1-Nov-2020Association of body mass index with fecal microbial diversity and metabolites in the northern Finland birth cohortLoftfield, E; Herzig, K-H; Caporaso, JG; Derkach, A; Wan, Y, et al
1-Aug-2019Cohort Profile: The DynaHEALTH consortium - a European consortium for a life-course bio-psychosocial model of healthy ageing of glucose homeostasisSebert, S; Lowry, E; Aumuller, N; Bermudez, MG; Bjerregaard, LG, et al
1-Dec-2020Common maternal and fetal genetic variants show expected polygenic effects on risk of small- or large-for-gestational-age (SGA or LGA), except in the smallest 3% of babiesBeaumont, RN; Kotecha, SJ; Wood, AR; Knight, BA; Sebert, S, et al
15-Jun-2020Common variation at 16p11.2 is associated with glycosuria in pregnancy: findings from a genome-wide association study in European womenLee, MA; McMahon, G; Karhunen, V; Wade, KH; Corbin, LJ, et al
1-May-2020Could vitamin D reduce obesity-associated inflammation? Observational and Mendelian randomization studyPalaniswamy, S; Gill, D; De Silva, NM; Lowry, E; Jokelainen, J, et al
1-Feb-2020Data-driven multivariate population subgrouping via lipoprotein phenotypes versus apolipoprotein B in the risk assessment of coronary heart diseaseOhukainen, P; Kuusisto, S; Kettunen, J; Perola, M; Jarvelin, M-R, et al
Dec-2020Discovery of rare variants associated with blood pressure regulation trhough meta-analaysis of 1.3 million individualsSurendran, P; Gao, H; Zhang, W; Evangelou, E; Poulter, N, et al
1-Jan-2020Early environmental factors and somatic comorbidity in schizophrenia and nonschizophrenic psychoses: A 50-year follow-up of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966Korpela, H; Miettunen, J; Rautio, N; Isohanni, M; Jarvelin, M-R, et al
21-Nov-2019Effect of sex and underlying disease on the genetic association of QT interval and sudden cardiac deathMitchell, RN; Ashar, FN; Jarvelin, M-R; Froguel, P; Sotoodehnia, N, et al
2-Mar-2020Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of blood DNA methylation in newborns and children identifies numerous loci related to gestational ageMerid, SK; Novoloaca, A; Sharp, GC; Kupers, LK; Kho, AT, et al
1-Jun-2019Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of DNA methylation and childhood asthmaReese, SE; Xu, C-J; Den Dekker, HT; Lee, MK; Sikdar, S, et al
15-Aug-2019Exome sequencing of Finnish isolates enhances rare-variant association powerLocke, AE; Steinberg, KM; Chiang, CWK; Service, SK; Havulinna, AS, et al
17-Sep-2018Genetic analysis of over one million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traitsEvangelou, E; Warren, HR; Mosen-Ansorena, D; Mifsud, B; Pazoki, R, et al
5-Mar-2020Genome-wide association analysis in humans links nucleotide metabolism to leukocyte telomere lengthLi, C; Stoma, S; Lotta, LA; Warner, S; Albrecht, E, et al
24-Oct-2019Genome-wide association and epidemiological analyses reveal common genetic origins between uterine leiomyomata and endometriosisGallagher, CS; Makinen, N; Harris, HR; Rahmioglu, N; Uimari, O, et al
1-Sep-2019Genome-wide association study identifies seven novel loci associating with circulating cytokines and cell adhesion molecules in FinnsSliz, E; Kalaoja, M; Ahola-Olli, A; Raitakari, O; Perola, M, et al
29-Nov-2019Insulin resistance and systemic metabolic changes in oral glucose tolerance test in 5340 individuals: an interventional studyWang, Q; Jokelainen, J; Auvinen, J; Puukka, K; Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, S, et al
1-Dec-2019Lipoprotein signatures of cholesteryl ester transfer protein and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitionKettunen, J; Holmes, MV; Allara, E; Anufrieva, O; Ohukainen, P, et al