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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Aug-2018Age at puberty and risk of asthma: A Mendelian randomisation studyMinelli, C; Van der Plaat, DA; Leynaert, B; Granell, R; Amaral, AFS, et al
6-Jul-2021An evidence-based assessment of genes in dilated cardiomyopathyJordan, E; Peterson, L; Ai, T; Asatryan, B; Bronicki, L, et al
23-Feb-2021Beta-blocker therapy in patients with COPD: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis with multiple treatment comparisonGulea, C; Zakeri, R; Alderman, V; Morgan, A; Ross, J, et al
3-Apr-2023Beyond gene-disease validity: capturing structured data on inheritance, allelic-requirement, disease-relevant variant classes, and disease mechanism for inherited cardiac conditions.Josephs, KS; Roberts, AM; Theotokis, P; Walsh, R; Ostrowski, PJ, et al
5-Jul-2019Cell competition: The winners and losers of fitness selectionBowling, S; Lawlor, K; Rodriguez, T;
6-Jul-2021Clinical likelihood ratios and balanced accuracy for 44 in silico tools against multiple large-scale functional assays of cancer susceptibility genesCubuk, C; Garrett, A; Choi, S; King, L; Loveday, C, et al
14-Dec-2021Differences in outcomes between heart failure phenotypes in patients with coexistent COPD: A cohort studyGulea, C; Zakeri, R; Quint, J;
27-Jan-2022Direct and indirect effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with cardiomyopathyHammersley, D; Buchan, R; Lota, A; Mach, L; Jones, R, et al
9-Jan-2020Dynamics of human monocytes and airway macrophages during healthy aging and post-transplantByrne, A; Powell, J; O'Sullivan, B; Ogger, P; Hoffland, A, et al
1-Dec-2018Effect of beta-blocker therapy on clinical outcomes, safety, health-related quality of life and functional capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A protocol for a systematic literature review and meta-analysis with multiple treatment comparisonGulea, C; Zakeri, R; Quint, JK;
6-Dec-2021Enhanced IL-2 in early life limits the development of TFH and protective antiviral immunityPyle, CJ; Labeur-Iurman, L; Groves, HT; Puttur, F; Lloyd, CM, et al
2-Jun-2017Explaining ethnic disparities in lung function among young adults: a pilot investigationSaad, N; Patel, JH; Minelli, C; Burney, P;
Jun-2022Exposure to elevated nitrogen dioxide concentrations and cardiac remodelling in patients with dilated cardiomyopathyTayal, U; , et al
1-Dec-2020Glioblastoma stem cells induce quiescence in surrounding neural stem cells via Notch signallingLawlor, K; Marques-Torrejon, MA; Dharmalingham, G; El-Azhar, Y; Schneider, M, et al
Nov-2018Identification, confirmation and functional relevance of neutrophil maturity in homeostasis, inflammation and diseaseCarlin, Leo; MacKey, John Bernard Godfrey;
14-Sep-2016Imaging the lung: the old ways and the newPoobalasingam, T; Salman, D; Li, H; Costa, JA; Dean, CH, et al
1-Sep-2019Impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on readmission after hospitalization for acute heart failure: A nationally representative US cohort studyGulea, C; Zakeri, R; Quint, JK;
30-Jun-2022Impact of COPD and asthma on in-hospital mortality and management of patients with heart failure in England and Wales: an observational analysisGulea, C; Zakeri, R; Kallis, C; Quint, J;
10-Apr-2017Inclusion of biological knowledge in a Bayesian shrinkage model for joint estimation of SNP effectsPereira, M; Thompson, JR; Weichenberger, CX; Thomas, DC; Minelli, C, et al
29-Jun-2022Increasing adiposity is associated with QTc interval prolongation and increased ventricular arrhythmic risk in the context of metabolic dysfunction: results from the UK BiobankPatel, K; Li, X; Xu, X; Lin, S; Maddalena, A, et al