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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2016Acceptability and feasibility of a screen-and-treat programme for hepatitis B virus infection in The Gambia: the Prevention of Liver Fibrosis and Cancer in Africa (PROLIFICA) studyLemoine, MN; Shimakawa, Y; Njie, R; Taal, M; Ndow, G, et al
6-Nov-2020HIV antivirals affect endothelial activation and endothelial-platelet crosstalk.Khawaja, AA; Taylor, KA; Lovell, AO; Nelson, M; Gazzard, B, et al
1-Dec-2016Natural history of chronic HBV infection in West Africa: a longitudinal population-based study from The GambiaShimakawa, Y; Lemoine, M; Njai, HF; Bottomley, C; Ndow, G, et al
Apr-2019Pharmacological impact of antiretroviral therapy on platelet function to investigate HIV-associated cardiovascular riskTaylor, KA; Smyth, E; Rauzi, F; Cerrone, M; Khawaja, AA, et al
1-Sep-2022Prevalence and clinical significance of occult hepatitis B infection in The Gambia, West Africa.Ndow, G; Cessay, A; Cohen, D; Shimakawa, Y; Gore, ML, et al