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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Aug-2022BodySLAM: Joint Camera Localisation, Mapping, and Human Motion TrackingHenning, DF; Laidlow, T; Leutenegger, S; , et al
1-Oct-2021CodeMapping: real-time dense mapping for sparse SLAM using compact scene representationsMatsuki, H; Scona, R; Czarnowski, J; Davison, AJ; , et al
17-Dec-2018CodeSLAM - Learning a Compact, Optimisable Representation for Dense Visual SLAMBloesch, M; Czarnowski, J; Clark, R; Leutenegger, S; Davison, AJ, et al
24-Feb-2020Comparing view-based and map-based semantic labelling in real-time SLAMLandgraf, Z; Falck, F; Bloesch, M; Leutenegger, S; Davison, A, et al
1-Dec-2016Deep learning a grasp function for grasping under gripper pose uncertaintyJohns, E; Leutenegger, S; Davison, AJ;
22-Jan-2020DeepFactors: Real-time probabilistic dense monocular SLAMCzarnowski, J; Laidlow, T; Clark, R; Davison, AJ; , et al
1-Dec-2016ElasticFusion: real-time dense SLAM and light source estimationWhelan, T; Salas-Moreno, RF; Glocker, B; Davison, AJ; Leutenegger, S, et al
1-Aug-2015Extrinsics autocalibration for dense planar visual odometryZienkiewicz, J; Davison, A;
Apr-2022From scene flow to visual odometry through local and global regularisation in markov random fieldsScona, R; Matsuki, H; Davison, A;
15-Oct-2018Fusion++: Volumetric object-level SLAMMcCormac, J; Clark, R; Bloesch, M; Davison, A; Leutenegger, S, et al
24-Nov-2016gvnn: neural network library for geometric computer visionHanda, A; Bloesch, M; Patraucean, V; Stent, S; McCormac, J, et al
28-Feb-2022iMAP: implicit mapping and positioning in real-timeSucar, E; Liu, S; Ortiz, J; Davison, AJ; , et al
28-Feb-2022In-place scene labelling and understanding with implicit scene representationZhi, S; Laidlow, T; Leutenegger, S; Davison, AJ; , et al
27-Feb-2020Learning meshes for dense visual SLAMBloesch, M; Laidlow, T; Clark, R; Leutenegger, S; Davison, A, et al
Apr-2020Learning one-shot imitation from humans without humansBonardi, A; James, S; Davison, AJ;
7-Oct-2018Learning to solve nonlinear least squares for monocular stereoClark, R; Bloesch, M; Czarnowski, J; Leutenegger, S; Davison, AJ, et al
19-Dec-2016Monocular, Real-Time Surface Reconstruction using Dynamic Level of DetailZienkiewicz, J; Tsiotsios, C; Davison, AJ; Leutenegger, S; , et al
Apr-2023Neural scene representations for dense-semantic SLAMDavison, Andrew; Sucar, Edgar;
12-Dec-2016Pairwise Decomposition of Image Sequences for Active Multi-View RecognitionJohns, E; Leutenegger, S; Davison, AJ;
2-Sep-2015Rapid free-space mapping from a single omnidirectional cameraLukierski, R; Leutenegger, S; Davison, AJ;