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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Sep-2013Association between preoperative plasma sRAGE levels and recovery from cardiac surgeryCreagh-Brown, BC; Quinlan, GJ; Hector, LR; Evans, TW; Burke-Gaffney, A, et al
May-2017Biomarker research in thromboembolic strokeDavies, Alun; Holmes, Elaine; Vorkas, Panagiotis; Qureshi, Mahim Irfan; , et al
18-Apr-2019Bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) protein inhibition restores redox balance and inhibits myofibroblast activationStock, CJW; Michaeloudes, C; Leoni, P; Durham, AL; Mumby, S, et al
19-May-2017Bromodomain and extra-terminal (bet) proteins regulate the oxidant-antioxidant balance in airway smooth muscle cells from patients with COPDMichaeloudes, C; Mumby, S; Chung, KF; Adcock, I;
Mar-2017Cognitive impairment and patient reported outcomes in advanced kidney diseaseBrown, Edwina; Pusey, Charles; Iyasere, Osasuyi Uyigue;
Dec-2021Compartmental arthroplasty in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the kneeCobb, Justin; Garner, Amy J.;
19-Feb-2020Design and evaluation of magnetic hall effect tactile sensors for use in sensorized splintsJones, D; Wang, L; Ghanbari, A; Vardakastani, V; Kedgley, AE, et al
Jun-2020Diffusion tensor imaging of lumbar spinal nerves reveals changes in microstructural integrity following decompression surgery associated with improvements in clinical symptoms: A case reportHughes, SW; Hellyer, PJ; Sharp, DJ; Newbould, RD; Patel, MC, et al
28-May-2019Diffusion tensor imaging reveals changes in microstructural integrity along compressed nerve roots that correlate with chronic pain symptoms and motor deficiencies in elderly stenosis patientsHughes, SW; Hellyer, PJ; Sharp, DJ; Newbould, RD; Patel, MC, et al
6-Sep-2019Does neutrophil phenotype predict the survival of trauma patients?Adcock, I; Mumby, S; , et al
Feb-2022Electroencephalographic markers of vestibular adaptation and heading perceptionBronstein, Adolfo; Strutton, Paul; Cooke, Josephine;
19-Nov-2016GlucocorticoidsAdcock, IM; Mumby, S; , et al
28-Aug-2017Gyri of the human parietal lobe: Volumes, spatial extents, automatic labelling, and probabilistic atlases.Wild, HM; Heckemann, RA; Studholme, C; Hammers, A;
1-Mar-2022HAILO: a sensorised hand splint for the exploration of interaction forces.Jones, D; Vardakastani, V; Kedgley, AE; Gardiner, MD; Vincent, TL, et al
11-Sep-2017Mesenchymal stem cells alleviate oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in the airways.Li, X; Michaeloudes, C; Zhang, Y; Wiegman, CH; Adcock, IM, et al
26-Apr-2016Microarray Analysis Maps Global Effects of Epigenetic Bromodomain Inhibitor JQ1 on Gene Expression in Transforming Growth Factor-β-Stimulated Adult Lung FibroblastsStock, C; Hubank, M; Michaeloudes, C; Chung, F; Wells, A, et al
22-Jul-2015Modeling in vivo interactions of engineered nanoparticles in the pulmonary alveolar lining fluidMukherjee, D; Porter, A; Ryan, M; Schwander, S; Chung, KF, et al
3-Jun-2019Molecular links between COPD and lung cancer: new targets for drug discovery?Caramori, G; Ruggeri, P; Mumby, S; Ieni, A; Lo Bello, F, et al
Apr-2021Multimodal neuroimaging of vestibular and postural networks: Investigating the pathophysiology of idiopathic dizziness in older adultsBronstein, Adolfo; Sharp, David; Kaski, Diego; Ibitoye, Richard;
Jan-2019Optimising surgery using bone quality metricsCobb, Justin; Abel, Richard; Hansen, Ulrich; Boughton, Oliver; , et al