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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-May-2019A phase I study of pegylated arginine deiminase ( Pegargiminase), cisplatin, and pemetrexed in argininosuccinate synthetase 1-deficient recurrent high-grade gliomaHall, PE; Lewis, R; Syed, N; Shaffer, R; Evanson, J, et al
8-Mar-2018Correction to: Metabolomic profiling identifies distinct phenotypes for ASS1 positive and negative GBM (vol 18, 167, 2018)Moren, L; Perryman, R; Crook, T; Langer, JK; Oneill, K, et al
1-Sep-2019Encapsulation of temozolomide in a calixarene nanocapsule improves its stability and enhances its therapeutic efficacy against glioblastomaRenziehausen, A; Tsiailanis, AD; Perryman, R; Stylos, EK; Chatzigiannis, C, et al
8-Feb-2018Metabolomic profiling identifies distinct phenotypes for ASS1 positive and negative GBMMoren, L; Perryman, R; Crook, T; Langer, JK; Oneill, K, et al
21-Aug-2020Single peptide backbone surrogate mutations to regulate Angiotensin GPCR subtype selectivityVrettos, E; Valverde, IE; Mascarin, A; Pallier, PN; Cerofolini, L, et al
1-Mar-2021The bitter side of epigenetics: variability and resistance to chemotherapyHajji, N; García-Domínguez, DJ; Hontecillas-Prieto, L; O'Neill, K; De Álava, E, et al
1-Oct-2019The Collagen-Prolyl Hydroxylases promote proliferation and invasion in GBMCastellano, E; Atkinson, A; O'Neill, K; Syed, N; , et al
1-Jul-2018The S100A4 protein signals through the ErbB4 receptor to promote neuronal survival.Kiryushko, D; Pankratova, S; Klingelhofer, J; Dmytriyeva, O; Owczarek, S, et al