Browsing by Sponsor/Funder Australian Research Council

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021A consumer designed smartphone app for young people with asthma: pilot of engagement and acceptabilityDavis, SR; Peters, D; Calvo, RA; Sawyer, SM; Foster, JM, et al
25-Jan-2017Anticipating changes to future connectivity within a network of marine protected areasColeman, MA; Cetina-Heredia, P; Roughan, M; Feng, M; Van Sebille, E, et al
7-May-2020Automatic nonverbal mimicry detection and analysis in medical video consultationsWu, K; Liu, C; Calvo, RA;
28-May-2018Designing for motivation, engagement and wellbeing in digital experiencePeters, D; Calvo, RA; Ryan, RM;
21-Mar-2017Dispersal of Eastern King Prawn larvae in a western boundary current: New insights from particle trackingEverett, JD; Van Sebille, E; Taylor, MD; Suthers, IM; Setio, C, et al
2-May-2016Drift in ocean currents impacts intergenerational microbial exposure to temperatureDoblin, MA; Van Sebille, E;
28-Feb-2016Future changes to the Indonesian Throughflow and Pacific circulation: The differing role of wind and deep circulation changesSen Gupta, A; McGregor, S; Van Sebille, E; Ganachaud, A; Brown, J, et al
29-Sep-2016Iron sources and pathways into the Pacific Equatorial UndercurrentQin, X; Menviel, L; Sen Gupta, A; Van Sebille, E;
30-Sep-2016Oceanography promotes self-recruitment in a planktonic larval disperserTeske, PR; Sandoval-Castillo, J; Van Sebille, E; Waters, J; Beheregaray, LB, et al
11-Feb-2020Player experience of needs satisfaction (PENS) in an immersive virtual reality exercise platform describes motivation and enjoymentIjaz, K; Ahmadpour, N; Wang, Y; Calvo, R;
5-Feb-2016Sources, fate, and pathways of Leeuwin Current water in the Indian Ocean and Great Australian Bight: A Lagrangian study in an eddy-resolving ocean modelYit Sen Bull, C; Van Sebille, E;
22-Dec-2015The separation of the East Australian Current: A Lagrangian approach to potential vorticity and upstream controlYpma, SL; Van Sebille, E; Kiss, AE; Spence, P;