Computing Technical Reports : [241] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 241
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2002Compiled only knowingBjurling, B; Broda, K
1-Jan-2014Compositional reliability analysis using probabilistic component automataRodrigues, P; Lupu, E; Kramer, J
1-Jan-2008Compositional shape analysisCalcagno, C; Distefano, D; O'Hearn, P; Yang, H
1-Jan-2006Computational study of the GMDPO dual phase-1 algorithmMaros, I
1-Jan-1995Computer-aided inconsistency management in software developmentNuseibeh, B
1-Jan-2009Concise cplexSpacey, SA
1-Jan-2014Control in the π-calculusHonda, K; Yoshida, N; Berger, M
1-Dec-1998Cooperating sparse simplex algorithm for a distributed memory multiprocessorMaros, I; Mitra, G
1-Jan-2015Core higher-order session processes: tractable equivalences and relative expressivenessKouzapas, D; Pérez, JA; Yoshida, N; , et al
1-Jan-2010Cost-effective solution to synchronised audio-visual data capture using multiple sensorsLichtenauer, JF; Shen, J; Valstar, MF; Pantic, M
1-Jan-2011Craig interpolation in displayable logicsBrotherston, J; Gore, R
1-Jan-2008Cut elimination in coalgebraic logicsPattinson, D; Shroder, L
1-Jan-1995Decentralised process enactmentLeonhardt, U; Finkelstein, A; Kramer, J; Nuseibeh, B
1-Jan-2010DEFCON: high-performance event processing with information securityMigliavacca, M; Papagiannis, I; Eyers, DM; Shand, B; Bacon, J, et al
1-Jan-2009Defining and estimating value to a missionThornley, DJ; James, JR
1-Jan-2006Deriving event-based transition systems from goal-oriented requirements modelsLeiter, E; Kramer, J; Magee, J; Uchitel, S
1-Jan-2006Designing effective policies for minimal agentsBroda, K; Hogger, CJ
1-Jan-2003Designing teleo-reactive programsBroda, K; Hogger, CJ
1-Jan-2001Detecting implied scenarios in MSCs using LTSAUchitel, S; Kramer, J; Magee, J
1-Jan-2009Development of a Mission Abstraction Requirements Structure (MARS) and stochastic modelling for sensing service-driven mission performance predictionThornley, D; Young, R; Richardson, J
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 241