University of London awarded theses - Imperial authors : [10962] Collection home page

These are a selection of theses that have been digitised.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 10962
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1983Actinide nuclear decay schemesHolloway, S. P.
2009Action execution, action perception and 'mirror' neuronesAgnew , Zarinah Karim
1961The action of [delta]-hexenolactone and related compounds on the metabolism of certain plant tissuesManjarekar, Gajanan Balkrishna
1970The action of angiotensin II on the rat kidneyFinberg, J
Jan-2002Action of angiotensin II on vascular smooth muscleGarcha, Robinder Singh
1984Action of drugs on mucociliary clearanceSanjar, Shahin.
1983Action of formamidine insecticides on Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera Noctuidae)Davenport, A. P.
1989Action of herbicides on mikania micrantha H.B.K. and paspalum conjugatum bergIpor, Isa Bin
1960The action of ionising radiation on polymersToms, Derek John
1984The action of psychoactive drugs on the release of neurotransmitters in the brains of conditioned animalsPatel, Hashumati Dajibhai Laxman
1980The action of sodium silicate on the flotation of salt-type minerals with oleic acidMarinakis, Konstantinos Ioannis
1960The action of synergised pyrethrins on a number of insect speciesStevenson, John Harold
1966The action of systemic aphicides on aphids and their anthocorid predatorsElliott, William Martin
Jan-1976The Action of the Hydrocyclone.Renner, Victor Guillermo
1982Action of the pesticide diflubenzuron on Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematoda)Ibrahim, A. M.
1975The action principle in statistical mechanicsKahn, Michael Jeffrey
1981Actions of tremorgenic mycotoxins on amino acid neurotransmitter releaseNorris, Peter James .
1985Activated reactive evaporation of hydrogenated amorphous siliconBiswas, Sukanta
1976The activation and deactivation of platinum/rhodium catalysts for ammonia oxidationBusby, James Anthony
1990Activation considerations relevant to the decommissioning of fusion reactorsSublet, Jean-Christophe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 10962