Pure Mathematics : [705] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 705
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Sep-2016A bound for the eigenvalue counting function for Krein-von Neumann and Friedrichs extensionsAshbaugh, MS; Gesztesy, F; Laptev, A; Mitrea, M; Sukhtaiev, S
7-Dec-2022A bound for the orders of centralizers of irreducible subgroups of algebraic groupsLiebeck, M
12-Dec-2017A central limit theorem for the KPZ equationHairer, M; Shen, H
1-Jun-2016A characterisation of weakly locally projective amalgams related to A16 and the sporadic simple groups M24 and HeGiudici, M; Ivanov, AA; Morgan, L; Praeger, CE
15-Jun-2020A characterization of the relation between two $\ell $-modular correspondencesKurinczuk, R; Matringe, N
19-Nov-2018A class of growth models rescaling to KPZHairer, M; Quastel, J;
1996A class of integration by parts formulae in stochastic analysis. IElworthy, KD; Li, X-M
1-Oct-2011A Compactness Theorem for Complete Ricci ShrinkersHaslhofer, R; Mueller, R
1-Oct-2018A comparison principle for nonlinear heat Rockland operators on graded groupsRuzhansky, M; Suragan, D;
10-Nov-2016A computation of modular forms of weight one and small levelBuzzard, K; Lauder, A;
12-Jun-2010A concrete estimate for the weak Poincaré inequality on loop spaceChen, X; Li, X-M; Wu, B
10-Jun-2016A contact invariant in sutured monopole homologyBaldwin, JA; Sivek, S
1-Apr-2018A counterexample to the reconstruction of ω-categorical structures from their endomorphism monoid.Bodirsky, M; Evans, D; Kompatscher, M; Pinsker, M
12-Feb-2015A Finiteness Theorem for the Brauer Group of K3 Surfaces in Odd CharacteristicSkorobogatov, AN; Zarhin, YG
1-Dec-2018A Fock sheaf for Givental quantizationCoates, T; Iritani, H;
1-Mar-2018A fractional kinetic process describing the intermediate time behaviour of cellular flowsHairer, M; Iyer, G; Koralov, L; Novikov, A; Pajor-Gyulai, Z
9-Jun-2017A fundamental theorem for submanifolds of multiproducts of real space formsLawn, M-A; Roth, J
1-Dec-2018A general formalism for logarithmic structuresTalpo, M; Vistoli, A
25-Apr-2017A homotopy exact sequence for overconvergent isocrystalsLazda, C; Pal, A
2-May-2015A logarithmic interpretation of Edixhoven's jumps for JacobiansEriksson, D; Halle, LH; Nicaise, J;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 705