Imperial College Business School : [1628] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 561 to 580 of 1628
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Family firms and internationalization in the Asia-Pacific: the need for multi-level perspectivesEddlestone, K; Jaskiewicz, P; Wright, D; Chen, L
13-Oct-2022Fear and deprivation in Trump’s America: A regional analysis of voting behavior in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential electionsTalaifar, S; Stuetzer, M; Rentfrow, PJ; Potter, J; Gosling, SD
13-Dec-2023Fifty years of research on leader communication: what we know and where we are goingHuai-ching Liu, E; Chambers, CR; Moore, C
7-Mar-2014Film, television & radio, books, music and art: estimating UK investment in artistic originalsGoodridge, PR
1-Nov-2022Financial accounting-for-carbon finance. A new standard for a new paradigmRosales, R; Pelaez, MA; Elnahass, M; Wang, K
1-Jan-2024Financial contagion in network economies and asset pricesBuraschi, A; Tebaldi, C
14-Apr-2016Financial Contagion in NetworksCabrales, A; Gottardi, P; Gale, DM; Bramoulle, Y; Galeotti, A, et al
1-Dec-2022Financial crises and political radicalization: how failing banks paved Hitler’s path to powerPeydro, J-L; Voth, J; Doerr, S; Gissler, S
1-Jun-2019Financial development and technology diffusionComin, D; Nanda, R
Aug-2024Financial development, monetary policy and monetary transmission mechanism – an asymmetric ARDL analysisOyadeyi, O
Feb-2018Financial disclosure and market transparency with costly information processingDi Maggio, M; Pagano, M
30-Sep-2007Financial Market FrictionsRobotti, C; DeGennaro, R
17-May-2022Financial services and net-zero: seizing the opportunityRosales, R; Corfe, S
Aug-2022Financing constraints, home equity and selection into entrepreneurshipJensen, TL; Leth-Petersen, S; Nanda, R
Jul-2018Finding theory–method fit: a comparison of three qualitative approaches to theory buildingGehman, J; Glaser, VL; Eisenhardt, KM; Gioia, D; Langley, A, et al
Jun-2022Fintech, cryptocurrencies, and CBDC: financial structural transformation in ChinaAllen, F; Gu, X; Jagtiani, J
1-May-2023Firm exit from open multiparty alliances: The role of social influence, uncertainty, and interfirm imitation in collective technology developmentGerges-Yammine, R; Ter Wal, A
30-Apr-2018Firm-to-firm connections in Colombian importsBernard, AB; Bøler, EA; Dhingra, S
1-Oct-2018Fish out of water: translation, legitimation, and new venture creationTracey, P; Dalpiaz, E; Phillips, N
1-Jan-2015Fitness of business models for digital collaborative platforms in clusters: A case studyCremona, L; Ravarini, A; Viscusi, G; Persson, A; Stirna, J
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 561 to 580 of 1628