Condensed Matter Theory : [456] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 201 to 220 of 456
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Feb-2017Intertwined superfluid and density wave order in two-dimensional 4HeNyéki, J; Phillis, A; Ho, A; Lee, D; Coleman, P, et al
1-Jan-2019Intertwined superfluidity and density wave order in a p-orbital Bose condensateLieu, S; Ho, AF; Lee, DKK; Coleman, P
-Invited reply to the Comment by A MorawiecSutton, AP
May-2024Isospectral open cavities and gratingsCominelli, S; Vial, B; Guenneau, S; Craster, RV
30-Apr-2018Landauer's formula breakdown for radiative heat transfer and nonequilibrium Casimir forcesLopez, AER; Poggi, PM; Lombardo, FC; Giannini, V
8-Feb-2011Large-scale simulations of ballistic deposition: The approach to asymptotic scalingFarnudi, B; Vvedensky, DD
22-Jun-2019Laser-plasma accelerated protons: energy increase in gas-mixtures using high mass number atomic speciesLevato, T; Goncalves, LV; Giannini, V
1-May-2016Limiting efficiencies for intermediate band solar cells with partial absorptivity: the case for a quantum ratchetPusch, A; Yoshida, M; Hylton, NP; Mellor, A; Phillips, CC, et al
5-Dec-2017Linear ultrafast dynamics of plasmon and magnetic resonances in nanoparticlesLazzarini, CM; Tadzio, L; Fitzgerald, JM; Sanchez-Gil, JA; Giannini, V
28-Jul-2018Local normal modes and lattice dynamicsNasrollahi, H; Vvedensky, DD
2001Localization and quantum transportMacKinnon,A.; Barnham, K; Vvedensky, DD
19-Dec-2007Localization lengths over metal to band insulator transitionsHine, NDM; Foulkes, WMC
23-Aug-2019Logarithmic spreading of out-of-time-ordered correlators without many-body localizationSmith, A; ICnolle, J; Moessner, R; Kovrizhin, DL
13-Apr-2018Long-range surface plasmons supported by the disordered nanowire metamaterialsGric, T; Hess, O;
24-Nov-2008Long-range surface polaritons in ultra-thin films of siliconGiannini, V; Zhang, Y; Forcales, M; Gómez Rivas, J
7-Oct-2013Loss mitigation in plasmonic solar cells: aluminium nanoparticles for broadband photocurrent enhancements in GaAs photodiodesHylton, NP; Li, XF; Giannini, V; Lee, K-H; Ekins-Daukes, NJ, et al
26-Sep-2016Low frequency plasmons in thin-wire structures: a commentary.Pendry, JB
13-Apr-2015Low-loss, infrared and terahertz nanophotonics using surface phonon polaritonsCaldwell, JD; Lindsay, L; Giannini, V; Vurgaftman, I; Reinecke, TL, et al
1-Feb-2011Macroscopic invisibility cloaking of visible lightChen, X; Luo, Y; Zhang, J; Jiang, K; Pendry, JB, et al
May-2023Magnetic flux response of non-Hermitian topological phasesDenner, MM; Schindler, F
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 201 to 220 of 456