Condensed Matter Theory : [456] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 161 to 180 of 456
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Nov-2019Fractional corner charges in spin-orbit coupled crystalsSchindler, F; Brzezińska, M; Benalcazar, WA; Iraola, M; Bouhon, A, et al
28-Oct-2015Free-energy coarse-grained potential for C60Edmunds, DM; Tangney, P; Vvedensky, DD; Foulkes, WMC; , et al
16-Aug-2019Fresnel drag in space-time-modulated metamaterialsHuidobro, PA; Galiffi, E; Guenneau, S; Craster, RV; Pendry, JB
13-Sep-2011Gain and plasmon dynamics in active negative-index metamaterials.Wuestner, S; Pusch, A; Tsakmakidis, KL; Hamm, JM; Hess, O
18-Oct-2021Gain in time dependent media - a new mechanismPendry, J; Galiffi, E; Huidobro, P;
25-Nov-2015Generalised Sandpile Dynamics on Artificial and Real-World Directed NetworksZachariou, N; Expert, P; Takayasu, M; Christensen, K
14-Mar-2020Generation of plasmonic hot carriers from d-bands in metallic nanoparticlesCastellanos, LR; Kahk, JM; Hess, O; Lischner, J; , et al
19-Apr-2016Graphene as a Tunable Anisotropic or Isotropic Plasmonic MetasurfaceHuidobro, PA; Kraft, M; Maier, SA; Pendry, JB; , et al
14-Jul-2017Graphene plasmon cavities made with silicon carbideLi, K; Fitzgerald, JM; Xiao, X; Caldwell, JD; Zhang, C, et al
1-May-2014Graphene Sandwiches as a Platform for Broadband Molecular SpectroscopyFrancescato, Y; Giannini, V; Yang, J; Huang, M; Maier, SA
1-Apr-2016Graphene, plasmons and transformation opticsArroyo Huidobro, P; Kraft, M; Ren, K; Maier, SA; Pendry, J, et al
30-Nov-2017Group Theoretical Route to Deterministic Weyl Points in Chiral Photonic LatticesSaba, MS; Hamm, JM; Baumberg, JJ; Hess, O; , et al
6-Sep-2016Gyroid Optical Metamaterials: Calculating the Effective Permittivity of Multidomain SamplesDolan, JA; Saba, M; Dehmel, R; Gunkel, I; Gu, Y, et al
2-Aug-2023Hermitian bulk  –  non-hermitian boundary correspondenceSchindler, F; Gu, K; Lian, B; Kawabata, K
4-Apr-2017Hidden symmetries in plasmonic gratingsHuidobro, PA; Chang, YH; Kraft, M; Pendry, JB;
14-Nov-2008Hiding under the Carpet: A New Strategy for CloakingLi, J; Pendry, JB
29-Jul-2021Higher-order temporal network effects through triplet evolutionYao, Q; Evans, T; Chen, B; Christensen, KIM; Bianconi, G
1-Jun-2018Higher-order topological insulatorsSchindler, F; Cook, AM; Vergniory, MG; Wang, Z; Parkin, SSP, et al
Sep-2018Higher-order topology in bismuthSchindler, F; Wang, Z; Vergniory, MG; Cook, AM; Murani, A, et al
19-Jul-2021Homogenization theory of space-time metamaterialsHuidobro, PA; Silveirinha, MG; Galiffi, E; Pendry, JB
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 161 to 180 of 456