Quantum Optics and Laser Science : [682] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 181 to 200 of 682
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Mar-2018Enhanced attosecond pulse generation in the vacuum ultraviolet using a two-colour driving field for high harmonic generationMatia-Hernando, P; Witting, T; Walke, DJ; Marangos, JP; Tisch, JWG, et al
24-Sep-2015Enhanced oscillation lifetime of a Bose–Einstein condensate in the 3D/1D crossoverYuen, B; Barr, I; Cotter, J; Butler, E; Hinds, ED, et al
7-Dec-2020Enhancing dipolar interactions between molecules using state-dependent optical tweezer trapsCaldwell, L; Tarbutt, MR;
13-May-2002Entangled light from white noise.Plenio, MB; Huelga, SF
1-Mar-2002Entanglement by a beam splitter: Nonclassicality as a prerequisite for entanglementKim, MS; Son, W; Buzek, V; Knight, PL
17-Jan-2003Entanglement cost under positive-partial-transpose-preserving operations.Audenaert, K; Plenio, MB; Eisert, J
30-Mar-2007Entanglement dynamics in chains of qubits with noise and disorderTsomokos, DI; Hartmann, MJ; Huelga, SF; Plenio, MB
12-Jul-2005Entanglement in coined quantum walks on regular graphsCarneiro, I; Loo, M; Xu, XB; Girerd, M; Kendon, V, et al
1-Dec-1998Entanglement in frequency standards and quantum information theoryHuelga, SF; Knight, PL; Macchiavello, C; Plenio, MB; Vedral, V
2-Apr-2002Entanglement induced by a single-mode heat environmentKim, MS; Lee, J; Ahn, D; Knight, PL; , et al
1-Mar-1998Entanglement measures and purification proceduresVedral, V; Plenio, MB
11-Aug-2005Entanglement on mixed stabilizer states: normal forms and reduction proceduresAudenaert, KMR; Plenio, MB
1-Oct-2002Entanglement properties of the harmonic chainAudenaert, K; Eisert, J; Plenio, MB; Werner, RR
1-Mar-2000Entanglement quantification and purification in continuous-variable systemsParker, S; Bose, S; Plenio, MB
1-Jul-2002Entanglement simulations of Shor's algorithmParker, S; Plenio, MB
1-Jan-2006Entanglement-area law for general bosonic harmonic lattice systemsCramer, M; Eisert, J; Plenio, MB; Dreissig, J
25-Oct-1999Entanglement-assisted local manipulation of pure quantum statesJonathan, D; Plenio, MB
1-Nov-2000Entangling atoms and ions in dissipative environmentsBeige, A; Bose, S; Braun, D; Huelga, SF; Knight, PL, et al
31-Jan-2003Entangling power of passive optical elements.Wolf, MM; Eisert, J; Plenio, MB
1-Jul-1996Entropic measure of wave-packet spreading and ionization in laser-driven atomsWatson, JB; Keitel, CH; Knight, PL; Burnett, K
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 181 to 200 of 682