
Pressure-induced amorphisation and a new high density amorphous metallic phase in matrix-free Ge nanoparticles: simulation data

Title: Pressure-induced amorphisation and a new high density amorphous metallic phase in matrix-free Ge nanoparticles: simulation data
Authors: Corsini, N
Item Type: Dataset
Abstract: The folder contains: -Pseudopotential files for Ge and H in the .recpot format used in all calculations. -Input and output files for constant enthalpy geometry relaxations of hydrogenated Ge nanocrystals using the electronic enthalpy method within ONETEP (version 3.3). -Input and output files for the DFPT calculations performed with CASTEP (version 6.01).
The folder contains: -Pseudopotential files for Ge and H in the .recpot format used in all calculations. -Input and output files for constant enthalpy geometry relaxations of hydrogenated Ge nanocrystals using the electronic enthalpy method within ONETEP (version 3.3). -Input and output files for the DFPT calculations performed with CASTEP (version 6.01).
Issue Date: 14-Oct-2015
Copyright Statement:
Sponsor/Funder: Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)
Funder's Grant Number: EP/G060738/1
Keywords: Amorphisation
Ge nanoparticles
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences - Research Data