Aeronautics : [1543] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 161 to 180 of 1543
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Apr-2016An adaptable parallel algorithm for the direct numerical simulation of incompressible turbulent flows using a Fourier spectral/hp element method and MPI virtual topologiesBolis, A; Cantwell, CD; Moxey, D; Serson, D; Sherwin, SJ, et al
29-Sep-2015An adaptive selective frequency damping methodJordi, BE; Cotter, CJ; Sherwin, SJ;
8-Sep-2022An aerial parallel manipulator with shared complianceStephens, B; Orr, L; Kocer, BB; Nguyen, H-N; Kovac, M
1-Jan-2019An algebraic approach to dynamic optimisation of nonlinear systems: a survey and some new resultsSassano, M; Mylvaganam, T; Astolfi, A;
21-Apr-2016An Analysis of Solution Point Coordinates for Flux Reconstruction Schemes on Tetrahedral ElementsWitherden, FD; Park, JS; Vincent, PE; , et al
27-Feb-2014An Analysis of Solution Point Coordinates for Flux Reconstruction Schemes on Triangular ElementsWitherden, FD; Vincent, PE
10-Oct-2022An analytical blockage correction model for high-solidity turbinesSteiros, K; Bempedelis, N; Cicolin, MM;
1-May-2014An analytical model for the translaminar fracture toughness of fibre composites with stochastic quasi-fractal fracture surfacesPimenta, S; Pinho, ST;
22-Jun-2015An analytical model of the dynamic response of circular composite plates to high-velocity impactSchiffer, A; Cantwell, WJ; Tagarielli, VL
Jul-2018An apparatus for tensile testing of engineering materialsZhou, J; Tagarielli, V; Heisserer, U; Curtis, P;
Jun-2023An assessment of the scalings for the streamwise evolution of turbulent quantities in wakes produced by porous objectsBuxton, O; Lingkan, E
12-Jun-2020An audit of uncertainty in multi-scale cardiac electrophysiology models.Clayton, RH; Aboelkassem, Y; Cantwell, CD; Corrado, C; Delhaas, T, et al
26-Aug-2014An automated algorithm for determining conduction velocity, wavefront direction and focal source location using a multipolar catheterRoney, CH; Cantwell, C; Qureshi, NA; Ali, RL; Chang, ETY, et al
13-May-2022An empirical mean-field model of symmetry-breaking in a turbulent wakeCallaham, JL; Rigas, G; Loiseau, J-C; Brunton, SL
Feb-2017An energy based fouling model for gas turbines: EBFOGCasari, N; Pinelli, M; Suman, A; Di Mare, L; Montomoli, F
1-Apr-2019An energy eļ¬ƒcient wireless module for on-board aircraft impact detectionFu, H; Sharif Khodaei, Z; Aliabadi, MH
1-Aug-2019An energy-efficient cyber-physical system for wireless on-board aircraft structural health monitoringFu, H; Sharif Khodaei, Z; Aliabadi, M
14-Oct-2013An energy-preserving description of nonlinear beam vibrations in modal coordinatesWynn, A; Wang, Y; Palacios, R; Goulart, PJ
Feb-2010An evaluation of the historical issues associated with achieving non-helicopter V/STOL capability and the search for the flying carSaeed, B; Gratton, GB
1-Feb-2019An event-triggered energy-efficient wireless structural health monitoring system for impact detection in composite airframesFu, H; Sharif Khodaei, Z; Aliabadi, MH;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 161 to 180 of 1543