Physics : [5692] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 161 to 180 of 5692
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Sep-2021A slim disc approach to external photoevaporation of discsOwen, JE; Altaf, N;
8-Jun-2016A small mission concept to the Sun–Earth Lagrangian L5 point for innovative solar, heliospheric and space weather scienceLavraud, B; Liu, Y; Segura, K; He, J; Qin, G, et al
29-Nov-2019A software tool for high-throughput real-time measurement of intensity-based ratio-metric FRETRamuz, M; Hasan, A; Gruscheski, L; Diakonov, I; Pavlaki, N, et al
19-Jul-2017A Space-based Observational Strategy for Characterizing the First Stars and Galaxies Using the Redshifted 21cm Global SpectrumBurns, JO; Bradley, R; Tauscher, K; Furlanetto, S; Mirocha, J, et al
27-Nov-2023A special issue preface: radiocarbon in the AnthropoceneEglinton, TI; Graven, HD; Raymond, PA; Trumbore, SE
7-Mar-2016A stable, single-photon emitter in a thin organic crystal for application to quantum-photonic devicesPolisseni, C; Major, K; Boissier, S; Grandi, S; Clark, A, et al
3-Nov-2016A steeper than linear disk mass-stellar mass scaling relationPascucci, I; Testi, L; Herczeg, GJ; Long, F; Manara, CF, et al
15-Apr-2021A study of the effect of aerosols on surface ozone through meteorology feedbacks over ChinaQu, Y; Voulgarakis, A; Wang, T; Kasoar, M; Wells, C, et al
21-Jun-2005A study of the scintillation induced by alpha particles and gamma rays in liquid xenon in an electric fieldDawson, JV; Howard, AS; Akimov, D; Araujo, H; Bewick, A, et al
17-Sep-2016A study of the time evolution of GERB shortwave calibration by comparison with CERES Edition-3A dataParfitt, R; Russell, JE; Bantges, RJ; Clerbaux, N; Brindley, HE, et al
Jul-2024A systematic evaluation of high-cloud controlling factorsWilson Kemsley, S; Ceppi, P; Andersen, H; Cermak, J; Stier, P, et al
5-Nov-2020A test of the ability of current bulk optical models to represent the radiative properties of cirrus cloud across the mid- and far-infraredBantges, RJ; Brindley, HE; Murray, JE; Last, AE; Russell, JE, et al
9-Apr-2020A test of the ability of current bulk optical models to represent the radiative properties of cirrus cloud across the mid-and far-infraredBantges, R; Brindley, H; Russell, J; Murray, J; Last, A, et al
1-Oct-2014A time-multiplexed track-trigger architecture for CMSHall, G; Newbol, D; Pesaresi, M; Rose, A
20-Oct-2015A time-multiplexed track-trigger for the CMS HL-LHC upgradeHall, G; CMS TMTT team;
1-Dec-2021A time-resolved imaging system for the diagnosis of x-ray self-emission in high energy density physics experimentsHalliday, JWD; Bland, SN; Hare, JD; Parker, S; Suttle, LG, et al
23-Jun-2016A to Z of the muon anomalous magnetic moment in the MSSM with Pati-Salam at the GUT scaleBelyaev, AS; Camargo-Molina, JE; King, SF; Miller, DJ; Morais, AP, et al
1-Oct-2015A trap-based pulsed positron beam optimised for positronium laser spectroscopyCooper, BS; Alonso, AM; Deller, A; Wall, TE; Cassidy, DB
9-Dec-2016A treecode to simulate dust-plasma interactionsHolgate, JT; Thomas, DM
Dec-2022A tunable electromagnetic metagratingPutley, HJ; Guenneau, S; Porter, R; Craster, RV
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 161 to 180 of 5692