Mathematics PhD theses : [574] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 21 to 40 of 574
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2011An Application of Malliavin Calculus to Hedging Exotic Barrier OptionsBarnett, Chris; Li, Hongyun;
May-2016Applications of almgren-pitts min-max theoryNeves, André; Sarquis Aiex Marini Ferreira, Nicolau;
Aug-2019Applications of Berkovich spacesNicaise, Johannes; Mazzon, Enrica;
Mar-2016Applications of mirror symmetry to the classification of Fano varietiesCoates, Tom; Prince, Thomas;
Jul-2021Applications of the amalgam method to the study of locally projective graphsIvanov, Alexander; Liebeck, Martin; Giuliano, William
May-2023Approximate Bayesian computation and agent based modelling for inference of size dependence in stochastic gene expressionof Size Dependence in Stochastic Gene ExpressionShahrezaei, Vahid; Bowman, Anthony;
Jan-2020Arithmetic topological models for the attractors of infinitely satellite renormalisable mapsCheraghi, Davoud; Pedramfar, Mohammad;
Feb-2016Aspects of market completion and stochastic volatilityDavis, Mark; Trabalzini, Romano;
Aug-2019Aspects of positive definiteness and gaussian processes on planet earthBingham, Nicholas; McCoy, Emma; Symons, Tasmin L.;
Jul-2018Aspects of stability of the toroidal AdS Schwarzschild black holeWarnick, Claude; Holzegel, Gustav; Dunn, Jake William;
Sep-2021Aspects of the topological dynamics of sparse graph automorphism groupsEvans, David; Sullivan, Robert;
Sep-2016Asset allocation and portfolio optimization with small transaction costsZheng, Harry; Liu, Cong
Dec-2022Asymptotic analysis and singular perturbations approximating photonic and phononic crystals enabling rapid simulations of structured media for wave control over Bragg and deep-subwavelength scalesCraster, Richard; Wiltshaw, Richard;
2011Asymptotic Analysis for Markovian models in non-equilibrium Statistical MechanicsPavliotis, Greg; Ottobre, Michela
Oct-2016Asymptotic analysis of array-guided wavesCraster, Richard; Schnitzer, Ory; Maling, Ben;
May-2018Asymptotic analysis of discrete and continuous periodic mediaCraster, Richard; Schnitzer, Ory; Vanel, Alice;
Nov-2017Asymptotic analysis of new stochastic volatility modelsJacquier, Antoine; Shi, Fangwei;
Jul-2020Asymptotic description of transitional and turbulent flows: effects of surface roughness on the boundary layer and the evolution of coherent structures in free shear flowsWu, Xuesong; Katai, Csaba Bence
Jul-2022Asymptotic models of acoustic resonators and Leidenfrost flowsSchnitzer, Ory; Brandao Macena Lira, Rodolfo
Jul-2015Asymptotically conical Ricci-flat Kahler metrics with cone singularitiesDonaldson, Simon; de Borbon, Gonzalo Martin;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 21 to 40 of 574