Physics PhD theses : [1055] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 41 to 60 of 1055
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2018Applications of regional ocean Ensemble Kalman Filter data assimilationToumi, Ralf; Li, Yi
Oct-2013Applications of scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy in the infraredPhillips, Chris; Yoxall, Edward;
Sep-2015Aspects of integrability in string sigma-modelsTseytlin, Arkady; Stepanchuk, Andrej;
Sep-2010Aspects of M-theory and quantum informationDuff, Michael; Borsten, Leron
Oct-2011Aspects of Time in Quantum TheoryHalliwell, Jonathan; Yearsley, James M.
Nov-2016Assessing links between vegetation and dust emission using Earth observation dataBrindley, Helen; Prentice, Iain Colin; Williams, Sian Rhiannon;
Dec-2017Assessing the potential for photovoltaic technology to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions:life cycle analysis and energy systems modelling for electricity access in rural IndiaNelson, Jenny; Ekins-Daukes, Ned; Sandwell, Philip Richard;
Jun-2015Atmospheric and disk properties of young low mass stars and brown dwarfs: an infrared studyMohanty, Subhanjoy; Tottle, Jonathan;
Jul-2022The atmospheric evolution of small, close-in exoplanetsOwen, James; Rogers, James
May-2019The atmospheric heating patterns: a new heat transport perspectiveCzaja, Arnaud; Liang, Minyi;
Nov-2018An atom interferometer for measuring horizontal accelerationsHinds, Ed; Stammers, Jimmy;
Dec-2013Atom-surface interactions with Rydberg atoms: an application to hybrid systemsKim, Myungshik; Scheel, Stefan; Ribeiro, Sofia;
Mar-2010Atoms in microcavities : detection and spectroscopyHinds, Edward; Kenner, Joanna
Mar-2017Attosecond pump-probe methods for measurement of molecular hole dynamicsTisch, John; Marangos, Jon; Matía Hernando, Paloma;
Oct-2017Attosecond transient absorption experiments in poly(3-hexylthiophene) targetsMarangos, Jon; Miseikis, Lukas;
Oct-2016Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy in atomic speciesMarangos, Jonathan; Simpson, Emma;
Apr-2023Automated methods to find high-redshift quasarsMortlock, Daniel; Leistedt, Boris; Lenz, Lena
Oct-2016Autonomous machines and clocks in quantum thermodynamicsJennings, David; Rudolph, Terry; Frenzel, Max;
Aug-2020B-spline ADC multi-electron theory for dynamical electronic systems in strong laser fieldsAverbukh, Vitali; Kissin, Yoel;
Aug-2015B-spline ADC: many-body ab initio theory for electron dynamics in strong laser fieldsAverbukh, Vitali; Ivanov, Misha; Ruberti, Marco
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 41 to 60 of 1055