Earth Science and Engineering PhD theses : [517] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 517
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20113D Elastic Full-Waveform InversionWarner, Mike; Guasch, Lluis;
May-20183D full waveform inversion of narrow-azimuth towed-streamer seismic dataWarner, Michael; Ashley, Jack
Nov-20103D seismic geomorphology of fluvial systemsJackson, Christopher; Johnson, Howard; Alqahtani, Faisal A;
Dec-20223D seismic geomorphology of the late quaternary fluvial to deltaic depositional systems within a source-to-sink framework of the central Sarawak, MalaysiaJohnson, Howard; Lonergan, Lidia; Whittaker, Alex; Abu Bakar, Azli; Mat Yusoff, Habibah Hanan, et al
Jan-2015ab initio modeling of yttria stabilised zirconia for solid oxide fuel cellsBrandon, Nigel; Offer, Gregory; Parkes, Michael;
Apr-2018Acoustic full-waveform inversion in geophysical and medical imagingMorgan, Joanna; Warner, Michael; Calderon Agudo, Oscar
Sep-2018Adaptive waveform inversion: algebraic interpretation, convergence analysis and alternative formulationsMorgan, Joanna; Warner, Mike; Guasch, Lluis; Yao, Jiashun;
Feb-2017Adsorption of fatty acids on mineral surfaces, the experimental implication of sorption-protection theory for fatty acids diagenesis and the use of flash pyrolysis to comprehend the fatty acid-mineral interactionsSephton, Mark; Weiss, Dominik; Zafar, Rabia;
Oct-2016Advanced 3D imaging and quantification of battery materialsBrandon, Nigel; Biton, Moshiel
Oct-2018Advanced computational modelling of large-scale tidal energy systems: optimising the trade-off between environmental impacts and power generationPiggott, Matthew; Halpern, Benjamin; du Feu, Roan;
Nov-2021Advanced numerical and statistical techniques to assess erosion and flood risk in coastal zonesPiggott, Matthew; Cotter, Colin; Clare, Mariana Cristina de Andrade;
Mar-2023Advanced numerical methods for mantle convection modelsPiggott, Matthew D; Davies, D Rhodri; Kramer, Stephan Cornelis
Jun-2015Advances in computational modelling of turbidity currents using the finite-element methodPiggott, Matthew; Allison, Peter; Parkinson, Samuel
Aug-2011Alternating Injection of Steam and CO2 For Thermal Recovery of Heavy OilVesovic, Velisa; Lawal, Kazeem Akintayo;
Nov-2015Analytical and numerical investigation of transient behaviour in hydraulically fractured tight gas reservoirsZimmerman, Robert; Cosgrove, John; Blunt, Martin; Gringarten, Alain; Dahroug, Ahmed
May-2013Anisotropic Adaptivity and Subgrid Scale Modelling for the Solution of the Neutron Transport Equation with an Emphasis on Shielding ApplicationsGoddard, Tony; Pain, Christopher; Baker, Christopher;
Sep-2020Apatite in porphyry systems and its applications in mineral explorationWilkinson, Jamie Rachel; Brugge, Emily;
Sep-2011The application of adaptive mesh techniques to numerical simulations of gravity current flowsPiggott, Matthew; Allison, Peter; Pain, Christopher; Hiester, Hannah Rebecca;
Apr-2011Application of Neural Networks to Evaluate Factors Affecting Drilling PerformanceKing, Peter; AL-Basman AL-Rashidi, Abdulrahman;
Sep-2014The application of smoothed particle hydrodynamics to the simulation of multiphase flows through packed bedsNeethling, Stephen; Barker, Daniel James;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 517