Biology PhD theses : [125] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 101 to 120 of 125
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2010Sexual ecology of transgenic mosquitoes Stegomyia (Aedes) aegyptiKoella, Jacob; Bargielowski, Irka;
Sep-2012Social foraging behaviour in a varying environmentCoulson, Tim; Marshall, Harry;
Oct-2008Soil Moisture as a Mediator for Nitrogen Competition: Implications for Species Invasion and Climate Changede Mazancourt, Claire; Crawley, Mick; Everard, Katherine Anne
2011Spatial and temporal signatures of ecological constraints on diversityPurvis, Andy; Orme, David; McInnes, Lynsey
Jan-2013Spatial turnover of insect communities at rainforest edgesEwers, Robert; Marsh, Charles John;
Jun-2013Spoilt for choice? Linking individual fishing behaviour with fleet dynamicsMilner-Gulland, E. J.; Blanchard, Julia; Tidd, Alexander
Feb-2011SRC willow development, biomass composition and biofuel potentialMurphy, Richard; Brereton, Nicholas James Beresford;
2010STER1, a novel receptor-like kinase, functions in MAMP signalling in ArabidopsisFeys, Bart; Dinischiotu, Natalia
2012Structural and functional studies of the xanthine transporter UapA and the boric acid transporter Bor1Byrne, Bernadette; Leung, James S. K.
Oct-2011Structural Studies of a potent Escherichia coli RNAP inhibitor T7 Gp2 and its interaction with RNAP β' Subunit - An early step towards devising new antibioticsMatthews, Steve; Liu, Minhao
Nov-2010Studies on resistance and associated fitness costs in Lepidoptera to Bacillus thuringiensis toxinsWright, Denis; Gulzar, Asim;
-Studies on resistance and overwintering in hop powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca humuli (DC) Burr.)Dr. Royle, Dr. D. J.; Liyanage, Amarasiri de Silva;
Jun-2009Studies on Resistance to Vegetative (Vip3A) and Crystal (Cry1A) Insecticidal Toxins of Bacillus thuringiensis in Heliothis virescens (Fabricius)Wright, Denis; Pickett, Brian R
Sep-2011Synergy between habitat fragmentation and climate change: implications for biodiversity in Alpine ecosystemsEwers, Robert; Leather, Simon; Pilia, Oriana
2010Systematics of whiteflies (Aleyrodidae: Aleurodicinae): their distribution, phylogeny and relationship with parasitoidsLeather, Simon; Quicke, Donald; Charles, Elroy;
Feb-2013Targeting MAML for the inhibition of notch signalling, using Antp fusion proteinsDallman, Maggie; Byrne, Bernadette; Deonarain, Mahendra; Colucci, Silvia;
Oct-2011Towards an optimal management of the invasive plant Rubus niveus in the Galapagos IslandsCrawley, Mick; Renteria Bustamante, Jorge Luis;
2011Towards the true tree: Bioinformatic approaches in the phylogenetics and molecular evolution of the EndopterygotaVogler, Alfried; Quickie, Donald; Chesters, Douglas
Jan-2011Transgenesis and conditional lethality in Aedes albopictusBurt, Austin; Koella, Jacob; Labbe, Genevieve Marie Catherine
Jul-2012Unifying food web structure and dynamicsReuman, Daniel; Hudson, Lawrence Nicholas Thomas;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 101 to 120 of 125