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Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 661
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Jun-20173D Bayesian cluster analysis of super-resolution data reveals LAT recruitment to the T cell synapseGriffie, J; Shlomovich, L; Williamson, D; Shannon, M; Aarons, J, et al
6-Sep-2016A BAYESIAN ANALYSIS OF THE AGES OF FOUR OPEN CLUSTERSJeffery, EJ; Von Hippel, T; Van Dyk, DA; Stenning, DC; Robinson, E, et al
1-Dec-2012A Bayesian Analysis of the Correlations Among Sunspot CyclesYu, Y; van Dyk, DA; Kashyap, VL; Young, CA
1-Apr-2011A Bayesian approach to star-galaxy classificationHenrion, M; Mortlock, DJ; Hand, DJ; Gandy, A;
17-Nov-2016A Bayesian cluster analysis method for single-molecule localization microscopy dataGriffié, J; Shannon, M; Bromley, CL; Boelen, L; Burn, GL, et al
1-Jan-2009A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for the Analysis of a Longitudinal Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Oncology StudySchmid, VJ; Whitcher, B; Padhani, AR; Taylor, NJ; Yang, G-Z
1-Dec-2017A Bayesian methodology for systemic risk assessment in financial networksGandy, A; Veraart, LAM
May-2020A Bayesian nonparametric approach to log-concave density estimationMariucci, E; Ray, K; Szabó, B
1-Jun-2020A Bayesian nonparametric test for conditional independenceTeymur, O; Filippi, S
12-Jun-2019A central limit theorem for the realised covariation of a bivariate Brownian semistationary processGranelli, A; Veraart, A;
26-Jul-2017A central limit theorem for the realised covariation of a bivariate Brownian semistationary processGranelli, A; Veraart, A;
14-Jun-2015A comparison of efficient approximations for a weighted sum of chi-squared random variablesAdams, NM; Bodenham, DA
Jan-2021A database for the epidemic trends and control measures during the first wave of COVID-19 in mainland ChinaFu, H; Wang, H; Xi, X; Boonyasiri, A; Wang, Y, et al
14-Sep-2022A dataset of hourly sea surface temperature from drifting buoysElipot, S; Sykulski, A; Lumpkin, R; Centurioni, L; Pazos, M, et al
1-May-2024A dynamic extreme value model with applications to volcanic eruption forecastingNguyen, M; Veraart, A; Taisne, B; Ting, TC; Lallemant, D
1-Apr-2024A feasible central limit theorem for realised covariation of SPDEs in the context of functional dataBenth, FE; Schroers, D; Veraart, A
1-Jan-2016A four moments theorem for Gamma limits on a Poisson chaosFissler, T; Thaele, C
14-Apr-2016A framework for Monte Carlo based multiple testingGandy, A; Hahn, G
14-Dec-2016A frequency domain test for propriety of complex-valued vector time seriesChandna, S; Walden, AT
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 661