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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Oct-2015Ability of King's College criteria and model for end-stage liver disease scores to predict mortality of patients with acute liver failure: a meta-analysis.McPhail, MJ; Farne, H; Senvar, N; Wendon, JA; Bernal, W, et al
1-May-2018Incidence and outcomes for patients with cirrhosis admitted to the United Kingdom Critical Care UnitsaMcPhail, MJW; Parrott, F; Wendon, JA; Harrison, DA; Rowan, KA, et al
1-Oct-2017Multi-platform metabonomics reveals a distinct metabolic phenotype of acute-on-chronic liver failureZia, R; Patel, VC; Gray, N; Wilson, ID; Wendon, J, et al
18-Jan-2016Mutlivariate metabotyping of plasma accurately predicts survival in decompensated cirrhosisMcPhail, MJW; Shawcross, D; Lewis, MR; Coltart, I; Want, E, et al
17-Sep-2016Urinary metabolic profiling by 1H NMR spectroscopy in patients with cirrhosis may discriminate overt but not covert hepatic encephalopathyMcPhail, MJW; Montagnese, S; Villaneuva, M; El Hadi, H; Amodio, P, et al