Browsing by Sponsor/Funder United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2019Cr-Mo-V-W: a new refractory and transition metal high-entropy alloy systemIkeuchi, D; King, DJM; Laws, KJ; Knowles, A; Aughterson, RD, et al
1-Aug-2017Defect processes in Be12X (X=Ti, Mo, V, W)Jackson, M; Burr, PA; Grimes, RW;
31-Mar-2019High temperature, low neutron cross-section high-entropy alloys in the Nb-Ti-V-Zr systemKing, DJM; Cheung, STY; Humphry-Baker, SA; Parkin, C; Couet, A, et al
Jan-2020Nuclear safety issues for fusion power plantsLukacs, M; Williams, L;
11-Oct-2022Reveal the viscoplastic behaviour and microstructure evolution of stainless steel 316LJiang, J; Lu, Q; Zhang, C; Aucott, L; Wang, W, et al
28-Jul-2016Simulations of threshold displacement in berylliumJackson, ML; Fossati, PCM; Grimes, RW;
14-Jun-2019The microscopic Einstein-de Haas effectWells, T; Horsfield, A; Foulkes, WMC; Dudarev, S; , et al
1-Jun-2021Tungsten-based bcc-superalloysKnowles, A; Dye, D; Dodds, R; Watson, A; Hardie, C, et al