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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Dec-2018A graph-based evidence synthesis approach to detecting outbreak clusters: An application to dog rabiesCori, A; Nouvellet, P; Garske, T; Bourhy, H; Nakouné, E, et al
1-Jul-2018Estimating the contribution of key populations towards spread of HIV in Dakar, SenegalMukandavire, C; Walker, J; Schwartz, S; Boily, MC; Marie-Claude, B, et al
21-Jul-2018Outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, April–May, 2018: an epidemiological studyThe Ebola Outbreak Epidemiology Team; Bhatia, S; Cori, A; Donnelly, CA; Dorigatti, I, et al