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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Aug-2015A fibre based triature interferometer for measuring rapidly evolving, ablatively driven plasma densitiesMacdonald, J; Bland, SN; Threadgold, J;
14-Jul-2015Ablation dynamics in wire array Z-pinches under modifications on global magnetic field topologyVeloso, F; Munoz-Cordovez, G; Donoso-Tapia, L; Valenzuela-Villaseca, V; Suzuki-Vidal, F, et al
25-Nov-2015Characterisation of the current switch mechanism in two-stage wire array Z-pinchesBurdiak, GC; Lebedev, SV; Harvey-Thompson, AJ; Hall, GN; Swadling, GF, et al
4-May-2016Experimental investigations of ablation stream interaction dynamics in tungsten wire arrays: interpenetration, magnetic field advection, and ion deflectionSwadling, GF; Lebedev, SV; Hall, GN; Suzuki-Vidal, F; Burdiak, GC, et al
24-Feb-2015Formation of radiatively cooled, supersonically rotating, plasma flows in Z-pinch experiments: Towards the development of an experimental platform to study accretion disk physics in the laboratoryBennett, MJ; Lebedev, SV; Hall, GN; Suttle, L; Burdiak, G, et al
20-Apr-2016Stop layer: a flow braking mechanism in space and support from a lab experimentHaerendel, G; Suttle, L; Lebedev, SV; Swadling, GF; Hare, JD, et al
31-May-2016Structure of a Magnetic Flux Annihilation Layer Formed by the Collision of Supersonic, Magnetized Plasma FlowsSuttle, LG; Hare, JD; Lebedev, SV; Swadling, GF; Burdiak, GC, et al