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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Jan-2017Bespoke practiceKneebone, RL;
Nov-2020Experimental and numerical assessment of the shear behaviour of lime mortar clay brick masonry tripletsBompa, DV; Elghazouli, AY;
7-Apr-2018Getting back in touch.Kneebone, R;
22-Mar-2019How simulation techniques and approaches can be used to compare, contrast and improve care: an immersive simulation of a three-Michelin star restaurant and a day surgery unitWeldon, SM; Korkiakangas, T; Kneebone, R;
16-Jul-2021In-plane lateral cyclic behaviour of lime-mortar and clay-brick masonry walls in dry and wet conditionsElghazouli, AY; Bompa, DV; Mourad, SA; Elyamani, A;
3-Feb-2021“Let me take care of you”: What can healthcare learn from a high-end restaurant to improve patient experience?Kneebone, R; Korkiakangas, T; Weldon, S;
6-Jan-2017Making medicine bespokeKneebone, RL; , et al
20-Jan-2017Materiality and threadKneebone, RL;
Oct-2021Mechanical properties of hydraulic lime mortars and fired clay bricks subjected to dry-wet cyclesBompa, DV; Elghazouli, AY;
15-Feb-2017Medicine: Discovery through doing.Kneebone, R;
1-Jan-2015Non-news values in science journalismMellor, F; Rappert, B; Balmer, B;
1-Oct-2022Nonlinear numerical assessments for the in-plane response of historic masonry wallsGuo, YT; Bompa, DV; Elghazouli, AY;
13-Jan-2017Performing magic, performing medicineKneebone, RL;
31-Dec-2017The Communicative Functions of Silence in ScienceMellor, F; Mellor, F; Webster, S;
27-Jan-2017The individual and the systemKneebone, RL;