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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Jan-2019Bidirectional propagation of signals and nutrients in fungal networks via specialized hyphaeSchmieder, SS; Stanley, CE; Rzepiela, A; Van Swaay, D; Sabotič, J, et al
1-Feb-2018Dual-flow-RootChip reveals local adaptations of roots towards environmental asymmetry at the physiological and genetic levelsStanley, CE; Shrivastava, J; Brugman, R; Heinzelmann, E; Van Swaay, D, et al
20-Sep-2018Fabrication and use of the dual-flow-rootChip for the imaging of arabidopsis roots in asymmetric microenvironmentsStanley, C; Shrivastava, J; Brugman, R; Heinzelmann, E; Frajs, V, et al
15-Oct-2019Mycelial effects on phage retention during transport in a microfluidic platformGhanem, N; Stanley, CE; Harms, H; Chatzinotas, A; Wick, LY, et al
27-Oct-2016On the probability of hitting the boundary for Brownian motions on the SABR planeGulisashvili, AG; Horvath, BH; Jacquier, A;