Browsing by Sponsor/Funder Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Sep-2021Impact of dietary nitrate supplementation on exercise capacity and cardiovascular parameters in chronic respiratory disease: a systematic review and meta-analysisAlsulayyim, A; Alasmari, AM; Alghamdi, SM; Polkey, M; Hopkinson, N, et al
17-Aug-2022Reporting of data on participant ethnicity and socioeconomic status in high-impact medical journals: A targeted literature reviewButtery, S; Philip, K; Alghamdi, S; Williams, P; Quint, J, et al
4-Mar-2020Therapeutic potential of KLF2 induced exosomal microRNAs in pulmonary hypertensionSindi, H; Russomanno, G; Satta, S; Abdul Saalam, V; Kyeong Beom, J, et al
15-Sep-2020Use of oscillatory positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) devices to augment sputum clearance in COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysisHopkinson, N; Polkey, M; Alghamdi, S; Alasmari, A; Alsulayyim, A, et al