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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2009Characterisation and Calibration of ZEPLIN III - A Dark Matter DetectorSumner, Timothy; Thorne, Claire;
14-May-2016Insights into secondary reactions occurring during atmospheric ablation of micrometeoroidsCourt, RW; Tan, J;
Aug-2010Morphology of coronal mass ejections between the sun and the earthForsyth, Robert; Savani, Neel P;
Aug-2018The nature and evolution of high redshift dusty star forming galaxiesClements, Dave; Greenslade, Joshua;
Jul-2009The ZEPLIN dark matter search: two phase xenon as a WIMP targetAraujo, Henrique; Smith, Nigel; Edwards, Blair Nicholas Victor;