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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2020Advances in high-resolution microscopy for the study of intracellular interactions with biomaterialsHansel, C; Holme, M; Gopal, S; Stevens, M; , et al
29-Jun-2017Basement structure and its influence on the structural configuration of the northern North SeaFazli Khani, H; Fossen, H; Gawthorpe, RL; Faleide, JL; Bell, RE, et al
7-Jul-2022Block length-dependent protein fouling on Poly(2-oxazoline)-based polymersomes: influence on macrophage association and circulation behaviorNajer, A; Belessiotis Richards, A; Kim, H; Saunders, C; Adrianus, C, et al
8-Dec-2017Determining the three-dimensional geometry of a dike swarm and its impact on later rift geometry using seismic reflection dataPhillips, TB; Magee, C; Jackson, CA-L; Bell, RE;
20-May-2022Epigenetic mechanisms of lung carcinogenesis involve differentially methylated CpG sites beyond those associated with smokingPetrovic, D; Bodinier, B; Dagnino, S; Whitaker, M; Karimi, M, et al
15-Aug-2017Influence of fault reactivation during multiphase rifting: The Oseberg area, northern North Sea riftDeng, C; Fossen, H; Gawthorpe, RL; Rotevatn, A; Jackson, CA-L, et al
23-Sep-2022Microliter scale synthesis of luciferase-encapsulated polymersomes as artificial organelles for optogenetic modulation of cardiomyocyte beatingKim, H; Yeow, J; Najer, A; Kit-Anan, W; Wang, R, et al
1-Oct-2022Nanozyme-catalysed CRISPR assay for preamplification-free detection of non-coding RNAsBroto, M; Kaminski, MM; Adrianus, C; Kim, N; Greensmith, R, et al
9-Apr-2018Oblique reactivation of lithosphere-scale lineaments controls rift physiography – the upper-crustal expression of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone, offshore southern NorwayPhillips, T; Jackson, C; Bell, R; Duffy, O;
22-Mar-2019Porous silicon nanoneedles modulate endocytosis to deliver biological payloadsGopal, S; Chiappini, C; Penders, J; Leonardo, V; Seong, H, et al
23-Oct-2019Pre-breakup extension in the northern North Sea defined by complex strain partitioning and heterogeneous extension ratesClaringbould, JS; Bell, R; Jackson, CA-L; Gawthorpe, R; Odinsen, T, et al
7-Aug-2017Pre-existing normal faults have limited control on the rift geometry of the northern North SeaClaringbould, JS; Bell, RE; Jackson, CAL; Gawthorpe, RL; Odinsen, T, et al
11-Feb-2021Prospective identification of elevated circulating CDCP1 in patients years before onset of lung cancerDagnino, S; Bodinier, B; Guida, F; Smith-Byrne, K; Petrovic, D, et al
29-Aug-2016Reactivation of intrabasement structures during rifting: a case study from offshore southern NorwayPhillips, T; Jackson, CA-L; Bell, RE; Duffy, OD; Fossen, H, et al
1-Feb-2020Rivers, reefs and deltas: geomorphological evolution of the Jurassic of the Farsund Basin, offshore southern NorwayPhillips, TB; Jackson, C; Bell, RE; Valencia, A;
25-Feb-2019Simulation of fingering behavior in smoldering combustion using a cellular automatonFernandez-Anez, N; Christensen, K; Frette, V; Rein, G;
11-Nov-2020Strain migration during multiphase extension, Stord Basin, northern North Sea riftFazlikhani, H; Aagotnes, SS; Refvem, MA; Hamilton-Wright, J; Bell, RE, et al
6-Jun-2020Strain migration during multiphase extension, Stord Basin, northern North Sea riftFazlikhani, H; Aagotnes, S; Refvem, M; Hamilton-wright, J; Bell, R, et al
1-Apr-2019Structural architecture and composition of crystalline basement offshore west NorwayLenhart, A; Jackson, C; Bell, RE; Duffy, OB; Gawthorpe, RL, et al
1-Dec-2019The influence of structural inheritance and multiphase extension on rift development, the northern North SeaPhillips, TB; Fazlikhani, H; Gawthorpe, RL; Fossen, H; Jackson, CA-L, et al