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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2022Predictions and uncertainty quantification of the loading induced by deflagration events on surrounding structuresBisio, V; Montomoli, F; Rossin, S; Ruggiero, M; Tagarielli, VL, et al
25-Oct-2020Predictions of the transient loading exerted on circular cylinders by arbitrary pressure waves in airTagarielli, V; Gauch, H; Bisio, V; Montomoli, F; Lines, O, et al
4-Sep-2019Predictions of the transient loading on box-like objects by arbitrary pressure waves in airTagarielli, V; Gauch, H; Montomoli, F; Bisio, V; Rossin, S, et al
1-Feb-2018The response of an elastic-plastic clamped beam to transverse pressure loadingTagarielli, V; Gauch, HL; Montomoli, F;
15-Mar-2019Three-dimensional fluid topology optimization for heat transferPietropaoli, M; Montomoli, F; Gaymann, A;