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Showing results 1 to 20 of 67  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Oct-2018A separated vortex ring underlies the flight of the dandelionCummins, C; Seale, M; Macente, A; Certini, D; Mastropaolo, E, et al
3-Feb-2020Advancing impact assessment for intelligent systemsCalvo, RA; Peters, D; Cave, S;
Aug-2014Bayesian nonparametric approaches to modelling dependencies in systems biologyStumpf, Michael; Zurauskiene, Justina;
Feb-2022Bioinformatic and bioenergetic studies on the evolution of photosystem IIRutherford, Alfred William; Oliver, Thomas;
Apr-2015The Breuil-Mézard conjecture when l is not equal to pGee, Toby; Shotton, Jack;
Oct-2018Characterisation of scandium- and iron-based GaN for high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs)Alford, Neil; Pace, Simona;
1-Apr-2022Climate drivers of global wildfire burned areaGrillakis, M; Voulgarakis, A; Rovithakis, A; Seiradakis, KD; Koutroulis, A, et al
Apr-2016Coherent coupling in light-matter systemsMaier, Stefan; Gubbin, Christopher;
Jul-2018Computationals studies of order, disorder and stability in metal halide perovskite photovoltaic absorbersHarrison, Nicholas; Barnes, Piers; VandeVondele, Joost; McMahon, Andrew; , et al
23-Jan-2018Convergence and optimality of a new iterative price-based scheme for distributed coordination of flexible loads in the electricity marketDe Paola, A; Angeli, D; Strbac, G;
19-Jun-2017Copper isotope signatures in modern marine sedimentsLittle, SH; Vance, D; McManus, J; Severmann, S; Lyons, TW, et al
Jun-2017Cyclic organometallic complexes for molecular electronicsLong, Nicholas; Albrecht, Tim; Wilson, Lucy Elizabeth;
6-May-2022Dandelion pappus morphing is actuated by radially patterned material swellingNakayama, N; Seale, M; Kiss, A; Bovio, S; Viola, I, et al
1-Sep-2022Data-driven surrogate model with latent data-assimilation: application to wildfire forecastingCheng, S; Prentice, IC; Huang, Y; Jin, Y; Guo, Y-K, et al
May-2018Design principles of hair-like structures as biological machinesSeale, M; Cummins, C; Viola, IM; Mastropaolo, E; Nakayama, N, et al
May-2016Development of a trypanosome-based system to investigate the function of helminth secreted proteins in vivoSelkirk, Murray; Vaux, Rachel;
6-Mar-2018Early Archean origin of heterodimeric Photosystem ICardona Londono, T;
Mar-2019Early Archean origin of Photosystem IICardona Londono, T; Sanchez-Baracaldo, P; Rutherford, AW; Larkum, A; , et al
21-Mar-2018Enhancing photosynthesis in plants: the light reactionsCardona, T; Shao, S; Nixon, PJ;
Oct-2013Evaluating insecticide-resistance in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae and its implications for malaria transmissionKoella, Jacob C; Saddler, Adam;