Browsing by Sponsor/Funder Junior Research Fellowship

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Feb-2017Decoding sill emplacement and forced fold growth in the Exmouth Sub-basin, offshore NW Australia: implications for hydrocarbon explorationMagee, C; Jackson, CA-L; Hardman, JP; Reeve, MT;
23-Jun-2018Magma plumbing systems: a geophysical perspectiveMagee, C; Stevenson, C; Ebmeier, S; Keir, D; Hammond, J, et al
3-Apr-2017Mechanisms of overburden deformation associated with the emplacemenet of the Tulipan Sill, Mid-Norwegian MarginSchmiedel, T; Kjoberg, S; Planke, S; Magee, C; Galland, O, et al
22-Jun-2019Structural signatures of igneous sheet intrusion propagationMagee, C; Muirhead, J; Schofield, N; Walker, R; Galland, O, et al
15-Mar-2017Structure and dynamics of surface uplift induced by incremental sill emplacementMagee, C; Bastow, ID; Van Wyk de Vries, B; Jackson, CA-L; Hetherington, R, et al
12-Jul-2016The Stratigraphic Record of Pre-breakup Geodynamics: Evidence from the Barrow Delta, offshore Northwest AustraliaReeve, MT; Jackson, CA-L; Bell, RE; Magee, C; Bastow, ID, et al
7-Mar-2018Unravelling intrusion-induced forced fold kinematics and ground deformation using 3D seismic reflection dataReeves, J; Magee, C; Jackson, CA-L;