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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Contestable AI needs computational argumentationLeofante, F; Ayoobi, H; Dejl, A; Freedman, G; Gorur, D, et al
1-Nov-2021Graph reasoning with context-aware linearization for interpretable fact extraction and verificationKotonya, N; Spooner, T; Magazzeni, D; Toni, F;
25-Oct-2021Influence-driven explanations for bayesian network classifiersAlbini, E; Rago, A; Baroni, P; Toni, F; , et al
28-Sep-2022Learning Assumption-based Argumentation FrameworksMaurizio, P; Toni, F;
1-Dec-2021LRP-based argumentative explanations for neural networksSukpanichnant, P; Rago, A; Lertvittayakumjorn, P; Toni, F; , et al
19-Jul-2022Neural QBAFs: explaining neural networks under LRP-based argumentation frameworksSukpanichnant, P; Rago, A; Lertvittayakumjorn, P; Toni, F; , et al
-Targeted activation penalties help CNNs ignore spurious signalsZhang, D; Williams, M; Toni, F; , et al