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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Cereal aphids and their natural enemies: effects of nitrogen fertilizers on tritrophic interactionsLeather, Simon R.; Aqueel, Muhammad Anjum;
2010Incidence and characterisation of mycoviruses from Aspergillus fumigatusCoutts, Robert; Jamal, Atif;
2011An investigation into environmental modifiers of grassland response to ozonePower, sally; Khalid, Sofia;
2011Investigations on Aspergillus fumigatus double-stranded RNAs and their effects on the fungusCoutts, Robert; Bhatti, Muhammad Faraz;
Nov-2010Multitrophic interactions in a potato-aphid systemWright, Denis J.; Ali, Asad;
Jun-2011Radiative decays of B mesons at LHCbCameron, Bill; Golutvin, Andrei; Egede, Ulrik; Dornan, Peter; Soomro, Fatima, et al
Nov-2010Studies on resistance and associated fitness costs in Lepidoptera to Bacillus thuringiensis toxinsWright, Denis; Gulzar, Asim;
Sep-2010Water stress, root herbivory and above-ground multitrophic interactions in a crucifer-aphid systemWright, Denis; Staley, Joanna T.; Tariq, Muhammad;