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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-May-2020Modelling carbon mitigation pathways by 2050: insights from the global calculatorStrapasson, A; Woods, J; Pérez-Cirera, V; Elizondo, A; Cruz-Cano, D, et al
28-Apr-2017Passive control of base pressure on an axisymmetric blunt body using a perimetric slitDe la Cruz, JMG; Oxlade, AR; Morrison, JF;
10-Sep-2016Stochastic modelling and feedback control of bistability in a turbulent bluff body wakeBrackston, RD; Garcia de la Cruz Lopez, JM; Wynn, A; Rigas, G; Morrison, JF, et al
5-Aug-2016The PRECOS framework: Measuring the impacts of the global changes on soils, water, agriculture on territories to better anticipate the future.Trolard, F; Bourrié, G; Baillieux, A; Buis, S; Chanzy, A, et al